Switching the legend display, Moving or closing mark information – Yokogawa Button Operated MV2000 User Manual

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IM 04L47B01-02EN

Moving or closing mark information

Dragging here causes vertical movement.

Dragged state

Double-clicking here displays the “Append Mark” screen, and then title,

comment, display position, etc. can be changed.

Clicking here closes the mark information.

Closed state of mark


Clicking here displays

the mark information.

Section calculation display with specification by cursors A and B

Cursor A

(Point the mouse on the screen)

Cursor B

(Drag the cursor)

1. Create cursor A and cursor B by drag & drop

on the waveform screen.

2. Clicking here displays the calculation result for the

section between cursor A and cursor B.

Date and time of cursor A

Date and time of

cursor B

Switching the legend display

The legend display has a channel display mode with channel display and an axis display
mode with Y-axis and channel display.

Example for channel display mode

Example for axis display mode

Display mode switching button

Click for waveform Show/Hide.

State with hidden waveform display
State with waveform display

All waveform display of

lower hierarchical levels


Example 5 Waveform display change and printing

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