17 9. eu declaration of conformity, Yokogawa, Eu declaration of conformity – Yokogawa FU24F User Manual

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IM 12B6J8-01E-E







Yokogawa Europe B.V.

Euroweg 2

3825 HD Amersfoort

The Netherlands

herewith declare under our sole responsibility that the product, model: FU24F

further specified with model suffix- and option codes: As listed in Annex-1 in this document

is manufactured in accordance with the requirements for CE-marking of products as stated in EC Decision:

768/2008/EC on a common framework for the marketing of products

by applying the following standards:

EN-ISO 9001: 2008

Quality management systems - Requirements

Subject product is:

In compliance with the essential requirements of the specific product legislation:


Directive 2004/108/EC

by applying the following standards:

IEC 61326-1: 2006 Class A

Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use –

EMC requirements – Part 1: General requirements.

IEC 61326-2-3: 2006

Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use –

EMC requirements – Part 2-3: Particular requirements –

Test configurations, operational conditions and performance criteria

for transducers with integrated or remote signal conditioning.


Directive 2006/95/EC

by applying the following standards:

IEC 61010-1: 2010

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement,

control and laboratory use – Part 1: General requirements.

- Pressure Equipment

Directive 97/23/EC (PED)

As amended by Regulation (EC) no. 1882/2003, by applying:

Article 3.3:

Sound Engineering Practice

- RoHS

Directive 2011/65/EU

by applying:

Category 9:

Industrial monitoring and control instruments, ion selective electrode

- Explosive atmospheres

Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX)

As amended by Regulation (EC) no. 1882/2003, by applying the following standards:

EN 60079-0: 2009

Explosive atmospheres –

Part 0: Equipment – General requirements

EN 60079-11: 2007

Explosive atmospheres –

Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety “i”

EN 60079-26: 2007

Explosive atmospheres –

Part 26: Equipment with equipment protection level (EPL) Ga

The provisions fulfilled are:  II 1 G Ex ia IIC T3...T6 Ga

Number of the EC-type Examination Certificate: DEKRA 11 ATEX 0064 X

Name of the notified body: DEKRA Certification B.V.

Identification number of the notified body: 0344

Address of the notified body: Meander 1051, 6825 MJ Arnhem, The Netherlands

Produced according to appropriate quality control procedures.

The CE-mark has been affixed on the product in 2014 for the first time.

Amersfoort, 01 March 2014

H. Leijten

General Manager

Yokogawa Process Analyzers (YPA)

Yokogawa Europe B.V.