Lincoln Electric 718118 Spirit II 400 User Manual
User's manual, Spirit ii 400
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Section 0: Proglue
- Section 1: Safety
- Section 2: Specifications
- System Description
- System Components
- Power Supply Specifications
- Cooling System Specifications
- Torch Coolant Specifications
- Manual Gas Console (MGC) Specifications
- Gas Supply Requirements
- Impulse Start Console (ISC) Specifications
- Torch and 2-Gang Manifold Specifications
- 5-Gang Manifold Specifications
- Airborne Noise Emissions
- Section 3: Installation
- Initial Inspection
- Component Placement
- System Interconnection
- Power Supply Primary Power Connections
- Power Supply Output Connections
- ISC Control Cable and ISC Ground Connections
- Cooling System Connections
- Torch Leads to Impulse Start Console Connections
- Torch Leads to Torch Base Connections
- Torch Gas Connections
- Gas Supply Connections
- CAN Communication Connections
- CNC Machine Interface Connections
- Filling the Cooling System
- Section 4: Operation
- Operating the Manual Gas Console (MGC)
- Setting up to Cut
- Setting up to Mark (Overrides Cut)
- Verifying Input Gas Pressures
- Making a Cut or Mark
- Piercing Thick Materials
- Moving Pierces and Edge Starts
- Cut Quality
- Checking Errors
- Checking the Version and Serial Number
- Changing the Language
- Adjusting the Screen Contrast
- Section 5: Torch Consumables and Cutting Charts
- Installing / Removing the Torch Head
- Installing / Replacing Consumables
- Maximizing Consumable Life
- Inspecting for Damage
- Selecting Consumables
- Cutting Charts
- Mild Steel - 30 Amps - Oxygen Plasma / Oxygen Shield Copper Electrode
- Mild Steel - 50 amps - Oxygen Plasma / Oxygen or Air Shield Copper Electrode
- Mild Steel - 70 Amps - Oxygen Plasma / Air Shield Copper Electrode
- Mild Steel - 100 Amps - Oxygen Plasma / Air Shield Copper Electrode
- Mild Steel - 150 Amps - Oxygen Plasma / Air Shield Copper Electrode
- Mild Steel - 200 Amps - Oxygen Plasma / Air Shield Copper Electrode
- Mild Steel - 275 Amps - Oxygen Plasma / Air Shield Copper Electrode
- Mild Steel - 400 Amps - Oxygen Plasma / Air Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 30 Amps - Air Plasma / Air Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 50 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 70 Amps - H17 Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 70 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 100 Amps - H17 Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 100 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 150 Amps - H17 Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 150 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 200 Amps - H17 Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 200 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 260 Amps - H17 Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 275 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 400 Amps - H17 Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 400 Amps - Nitrogen Plasma / Air Shield Copper Electrode
- Aluminum - 30 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Aluminum - 50 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Aluminum - 70 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Aluminum - 100 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Aluminum - 150 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Aluminum - 200 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Aluminum - 275 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Aluminum - 400 Amps - Nitrogen Plasma / Air Shield Copper Electrode
- Mild Steel - 100 Amps - Oxygen Plasma / Air Shield Silver Electrode
- Mild Steel - 150 Amps - Oxygen Plasma / Air Shield Silver Electrode
- Mild Steel - 200 Amps - Oxygen Plasma / Air Shield Silver Electrode
- Mild Steel - 275 Amps - Oxygen Plasma / Air Shield Silver Electrode
- Mild Steel - 400 Amps - Oxygen Plasma / Air Shield Silver Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 100 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Silver Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 150 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Silver Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 200 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Silver Electrode
- Aluminum - 100 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Silver Electrode
- Aluminum - 150 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Silver Electrode
- Aluminum - 200 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Silver Electrode
- Aluminum - 275 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Silver Electrode
- Section 6: Maintenance & Troubleshooting
- Section 7: Parts List
- Power Supply (300232 - 300239)
- Cooling System (300275)
- Manual Gas Console (300600)
- Impulse Start Console (300500)
- Torch and Manifold Assemblies
- Shielded Torch Leads
- CAN Communication Cable and Termination Plug
- Manifold Control Cables
- Gas Hose Package with MGC
- Cooling System Control Cable
- Coolant and Power Leads
- Work Ground Lead
- Oxygen Supply Gas Hose (Optional)
- Nitrogen Supply Gas Hose (Optional)
- Air Supply Gas Hose (Optional)
- H17 Supply Gas Hose (Optional)
- “CII” Cable (for Optional External Inova)
- “FII” Cable (for Optional Internal Inova)
- “JII” Cable (for Optional Internal Inova)
- Section 8: Internal Inova Console Option
- Appendix A: Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)