Lincoln Electric 718118 Spirit II 400 User Manual
User's manual, Spirit ii 400

User's Manual
Spirit II 400
High Current Density Plasma Cutting System
with Manual Gas Console (MGC)
718118 Rev D
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Table of contents
Document Outline
- Section 0: Proglue
- Section 1: Safety
- Section 2: Specifications
- System Description
- System Components
- Power Supply Specifications
- Cooling System Specifications
- Torch Coolant Specifications
- Manual Gas Console (MGC) Specifications
- Gas Supply Requirements
- Impulse Start Console (ISC) Specifications
- Torch and 2-Gang Manifold Specifications
- 5-Gang Manifold Specifications
- Airborne Noise Emissions
- Section 3: Installation
- Initial Inspection
- Component Placement
- System Interconnection
- Power Supply Primary Power Connections
- Power Supply Output Connections
- ISC Control Cable and ISC Ground Connections
- Cooling System Connections
- Torch Leads to Impulse Start Console Connections
- Torch Leads to Torch Base Connections
- Torch Gas Connections
- Gas Supply Connections
- CAN Communication Connections
- CNC Machine Interface Connections
- Filling the Cooling System
- Section 4: Operation
- Operating the Manual Gas Console (MGC)
- Setting up to Cut
- Setting up to Mark (Overrides Cut)
- Verifying Input Gas Pressures
- Making a Cut or Mark
- Piercing Thick Materials
- Moving Pierces and Edge Starts
- Cut Quality
- Checking Errors
- Checking the Version and Serial Number
- Changing the Language
- Adjusting the Screen Contrast
- Section 5: Torch Consumables and Cutting Charts
- Installing / Removing the Torch Head
- Installing / Replacing Consumables
- Maximizing Consumable Life
- Inspecting for Damage
- Selecting Consumables
- Cutting Charts
- Mild Steel - 30 Amps - Oxygen Plasma / Oxygen Shield Copper Electrode
- Mild Steel - 50 amps - Oxygen Plasma / Oxygen or Air Shield Copper Electrode
- Mild Steel - 70 Amps - Oxygen Plasma / Air Shield Copper Electrode
- Mild Steel - 100 Amps - Oxygen Plasma / Air Shield Copper Electrode
- Mild Steel - 150 Amps - Oxygen Plasma / Air Shield Copper Electrode
- Mild Steel - 200 Amps - Oxygen Plasma / Air Shield Copper Electrode
- Mild Steel - 275 Amps - Oxygen Plasma / Air Shield Copper Electrode
- Mild Steel - 400 Amps - Oxygen Plasma / Air Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 30 Amps - Air Plasma / Air Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 50 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 70 Amps - H17 Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 70 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 100 Amps - H17 Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 100 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 150 Amps - H17 Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 150 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 200 Amps - H17 Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 200 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 260 Amps - H17 Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 275 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 400 Amps - H17 Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 400 Amps - Nitrogen Plasma / Air Shield Copper Electrode
- Aluminum - 30 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Aluminum - 50 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Aluminum - 70 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Aluminum - 100 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Aluminum - 150 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Aluminum - 200 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Aluminum - 275 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Copper Electrode
- Aluminum - 400 Amps - Nitrogen Plasma / Air Shield Copper Electrode
- Mild Steel - 100 Amps - Oxygen Plasma / Air Shield Silver Electrode
- Mild Steel - 150 Amps - Oxygen Plasma / Air Shield Silver Electrode
- Mild Steel - 200 Amps - Oxygen Plasma / Air Shield Silver Electrode
- Mild Steel - 275 Amps - Oxygen Plasma / Air Shield Silver Electrode
- Mild Steel - 400 Amps - Oxygen Plasma / Air Shield Silver Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 100 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Silver Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 150 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Silver Electrode
- Stainless Steel - 200 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Silver Electrode
- Aluminum - 100 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Silver Electrode
- Aluminum - 150 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Silver Electrode
- Aluminum - 200 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Silver Electrode
- Aluminum - 275 Amps - Air Plasma / Nitrogen Shield Silver Electrode
- Section 6: Maintenance & Troubleshooting
- Section 7: Parts List
- Power Supply (300232 - 300239)
- Cooling System (300275)
- Manual Gas Console (300600)
- Impulse Start Console (300500)
- Torch and Manifold Assemblies
- Shielded Torch Leads
- CAN Communication Cable and Termination Plug
- Manifold Control Cables
- Gas Hose Package with MGC
- Cooling System Control Cable
- Coolant and Power Leads
- Work Ground Lead
- Oxygen Supply Gas Hose (Optional)
- Nitrogen Supply Gas Hose (Optional)
- Air Supply Gas Hose (Optional)
- H17 Supply Gas Hose (Optional)
- “CII” Cable (for Optional External Inova)
- “FII” Cable (for Optional Internal Inova)
- “JII” Cable (for Optional Internal Inova)
- Section 8: Internal Inova Console Option
- Appendix A: Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)