Checking system status – Lincoln Electric 718115 Spirit II 275 User Manual
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Spirit II User’s Manual
Section 4: Operation with Automatic Gas Console
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Checking System Status
To view the system status indicators, press the Status navigation button.
Each indicator will be either Green or Red.
DC Power Indicator
Green when the main contactor has
been energized and D.C. current is
flowing through the torch. Red when no
D.C. current is flowing.
3 Phase Power Indicator
Green when 3 phase power is
satisfactory. Red when there is a
problem with main 3 phase power.
Gas Console Indicator
Green when the automatic gas console
is operational. Red when there is a
problem with the gas system. Check
the message screen for errors.
ISC Door Indicator
Green when the impulse start console
door is closed. Red when the impulse
start console door is open.
Coolant Temperature Indicator
Green when the torch coolant
temperature is satisfactory. Red when
the coolant temperature is too hot. If
this indicator turns Red, leave the
system on until it turns Green again.
Coolant Level Indicator
Green when the coolant level inside the
reservoir is satisfactory. Red when
coolant must be added.
Coolant Flow Indicator
Green when the coolant flow through
the system is satisfactory. Red when
the coolant flow is restricted.
ISC Door