Appendix c: 12-lead, Ecg data transmission – ZOLL E Series Monitor Defibrillator Rev G 12 Lead User Manual
Page 23
Phone Company Requests
9650-1213-01 Rev. G
Data Transmission
The E Series unit can be configured to transmit 12-lead ECG records to a fax machine or a MUSE information system.
For information about the MUSE system and prerequisites for its use, see “APPENDIX B: 12-Lead ECG Data
Transmission to GE MUSE System” on page 19.
In order to fax using the 2x6 format, set the 12 Lead Fax Format configuration option to 2x6, and the Auto Transmit
After 12 Lead configuration option to Yes. Refer to the E Series Configuration Guide for instructions on setting these
Be sure to fax immediately after acquisition, as the 2x6 fax image is not stored in the patient records. Patient data can,
however, be reproduced in 4x3 format at a later time.
If the E Series unit has been configured to automatically transmit 12-lead ECG data records to a fax machine or MUSE
system following completion of the acquisition phase, the following data transmission screen is displayed.
Press the Prev Phone# and Next Phone# softkeys to scroll the highlight up and down through the preconfigured
phone/fax destinations.
Then, press the Dial Phone# softkey to dial the highlighted phone/fax destination and begin the transmission process.
To manually dial a number, press the Manual Dial softkey to display the Manual Dial menu. Next, press the Select
Type softkey to change data type (either fax or data), then press the Enter softkey to display the Manual Dial screen
with keypad.
Use the scroll keys on top of the unit to select a number or character on the keypad, then press the Commit ( ) key
on top of the unit (see the next figure) to enter the digit in the Phone # field. Repeat for each additional digit (up to 20
Transmission of 12-lead ECG data via cellular phones can be less reliable than transmission via landline
connections. A strong signal and stationary transmission improves the transmission’s success rate. Follow the
directions provided with your cellular phone.