Seite15 – WolfVision VZ-35 User Manual
Page 15

Manual white balance adjustment:
Usually you only need auto white balance adjustment - as shown on page 13. However for some
special applications a manual white balance adjustment can also be made.
First unlock the camera control panel with the key combination Save + ZOOM close + ZOOM wide
and then press the Menu key. After that press the Function up or Function down key until the word
"WHT.BAL" appears on the screen.
Using the Data up and Data down keys set to "MANU".
Using the Function up key select the line "R.GAIN".
Using the Data up and Data down keys, set the red gain to the desired level.
You can set the gain to any value in the range of -99 to +99.
After that select the line "B.GAIN" with the Function up key. And set the blue gain to the desired level
using the Data up and Data down keys. You can set the gain to any value in the range of -99 to +99.
Changing the video gain setting:
When shooting in very low light (not using the Visualizers own light), fully opening the lens iris may not
be sufficient to produce acceptably bright pictures. In such case, you can obtain pictures of adequate
brightness by raising the video gain setting. For changing the video gain setting first unlock the camera
control panel with the key combination Save + ZOOM close + ZOOM wide and then press the Menu key.
After that press the Function up or Function down key until the word "GAIN" appears on the screen.
Use the Data up and Data down keys and choose "STEP" for setting the video gain to the desired level.
Do NOT choose "AGC". This is an automatic video gain control, which may conflict with the
Visualizers autoiris control!
Using the Function up key select the cursor on the line showing "STEP".
Using the Data up and Data down keys set the gain to the desired level. You can set the gain to any
value in the range of 0 to 18 dB.
R.GAIN + 00
B.GAIN - 00
R.GAIN + 00
B.GAIN - 00
R.GAIN (-99 to + 99)
B.GAIN - 00
B.GAIN (-99 to + 99)
STEP (00 to 18)DB