Vestil OLA series User Manual
Page 2

This lifter is designed to be used in conjunction with
closed bottom skids. Loads used wit this lifter needs to
be secure on the skid and symmetrically distributed on
the skid. Loose items falling off the pallet midair can
cause the center of gravity to shift and cause the entire
load to dump.
Place the forks of the pallet lifter through the pallet fork
slots until the forks are fully inserted. If the inside
clearance height needs to be adjusted, remove the rear
pin and either set the height with a hoist hooked into the
bail or by hand. After setting the height, replace the pin
and install the safety pin. Models with the adjustable
fork width option can set the fork width by loosening the
retainer bolts on the top of each fork and sliding the
forks to the desired width. The forks must be set the
same distance from the center in order to insure proper
balance. After the forks have been set retighten the
retaining bolts securely.
Fork Retaining Bolt
Using the overhead hoist, pick up the pallet lifter and
load slowly to check for load balancing and stability. If
the load is not balanced position the pallet on the forks
and retry. Never extend the pallet past the edge of the
forks. Never extend the pallet past the edge of the forks.
If the pallet center balance is off enough, the bail stop
pin may need to be repositioned.
When trying to position the pallet lifter with the load, use
the handles located on the rear of the unit. Never place
your feet underneath the unit when positioning the
load. To remove the pallet from the lifter, place the load
on the ground and with the lifter slightly raised remove
the pallet lifter from the rear of the pallet. When the
weight of the pallet has been removed from the forks,
the pallet lifter bail will slide back and allow the lifter to
balance when unloaded.
As with all equipment, frequent inspections should be
preformed on this unit to insure safe operation. The
intervals of inspection should be determined by the
frequency of use. Inspect for cracked welds, worn or
damaged components or torn or damaged warning
labels. This lifter is built in accordance with ASME
B30.20. A copy of this standard can be attained from
ASME. Guidelines for testing and inspections are given
in this standard.
Bail Restraint Pin
Set the bail restraint pin so that the bail will stop at
approximately the center of the load. Be sure all pins
are in place and the safety pins are inserted into the
pins. Connect the hoist hook through the bail pickup
loop on the pallet lifter. Be sure that the hoist has a
safety latch to insure the hook cannot slide off the bail.
When moving the pallet lifter empty, the bail will return
to the lower position. To be sure the bail does not slide
forward, place the bail adjustment pin into the first hole
position (first hole on the lower end).