Vestil Model EPC User Manual

Page 8

background image

Step 4: Engage the sheet with the clamp. Press down firmly on the clamp until the top of the sheet material
contacts the back of the clamp mouth (photos 4 & 5). Lock the clamp by pulling the lock ring and rotating the lock
wheel assembly upwards.

- 8 -

Step 5: Test the balance of the material in the clamp. Grasp the hoist hook to stabilize the lift, and raise the load
a few inches off of the ground or other supporting surface (see photo 6 below). The material is improperly
balanced if it slides or hangs lower on one side. If improperly balanced, return the sheet to the ground or other
supporting surface and immobilize it. Reposition the clamp to improve balance by moving the clamp slightly
towards the end that hung lower during the test; then raise the object again to see if it is balanced. DO NOT
proceed to the next step until the load is properly balanced. DO NOT use the clamp if you cannot achieve a
balanced hold; use a different lifting device to raise and move the sheet.


If a single clamp cannot balance the load, use a combination of two or more clamps. For instance, you
could connect a chain sling to the hoist hook, and attach a plate clamp to each end of the sling via safety
hooks. This setup is demonstrated in the “Use of 2 or More Clamps” diagram below. Afterwards, retest the
balance of the sheet material according to the process described in Step 5. Raise the sheet material ONLY
after achieving proper balance.

Step 6: Lift the material. To raise the sheet, steady the clamp and load by grasping the hoist hook. [Note:
The photographs demonstrate the procedure as it applies to a lift using a single plate clamp. For
combinations of two or more clamps, grasp the safety hook of the clamp attached to the back end of the sheet
as shown in the diagram next to photograph 8.]
Lift the load to approximately waist height. Continue to grasp the hook. Walk slowly and move the load to a
position above the desired location. Refer to the “Warning” messages and follow the lifting rules below.

Review all “Safety Guidelines” on

p.5 and

always follow these “Lifting Rules” when using the

1. NEVER lift material over yourself or other persons. Inform persons in the area that you are going to use the

clamp and make sure that all persons have cleared the area before lifting and moving material.

2. DO NOT press down on the sheet material. Grasp ONLY the hoist hook while raising, lowering or moving

material to a different location. Your grasp will stabilize the load.

3. Always stand at arm’s length to the side of the material and hold onto the safety hook as shown in photo

7. If you must use two clamps to balance the load, grasp the safety hook that connects plate clamp #2 to the
chain adapter. This is demonstrated in the, “Grasp the Safety Hook Attached to the Second Clamp” diagram

Chain Sling with
Central Islet
and Safety
Hooks at both

Hoist Chain
with Safety



Sheet Material


This side of the sheet
material hangs lower
than the other. Return
the material to the
ground (or other
supporting surface)
and reposition the
clamp by moving it
closer to this end.

Level line

Raised a few inches

The top of the sheet
contacts the back of the
clamp mouth (arrow).





Diagram: Use of 2 or More Clamps