Llw-paild-200 – Vestil LLW-PAILD-200 User Manual
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Ensure that all employees involved in the operation of this pail dumper understand and follow these instructions!
The standard model pail dumper is suitable for use indoors in most industrial and commercial locations. It is
intended to be used to transport (sealed pails only), lift (up to 52”), and rotate plastic or steel 5-gallon pails containing
stable, relatively free-flowing non-hazardous materials.
The load rating, in pounds, is shown on the machine dataplate located on the operator’s side at the top of the left
frame upright. It indicates the net capacity of the pail dumper when used to dump freely-flowing materials.
Warning: Do not exceed the pail dumper’s load rating. Injury to personnel or permanent damage to the pail dumper
could result from exceeding the listed capacity.
Raise or lower the carrier so that its pivot point is positioned at approximately half the height of the pail to be
dumped. Unhook the pail carrier’s saddle strap and move it out of the way so that it does not obstruct the pail from
entering the saddle. Move the dumper up to the pail so that the pail is inside of, and up against, the inside of the
carrier saddle.
Place the pail-securing strap around the front of the pail and fasten it into the slot at the side of the saddle. Use the
saddle strap’s ratchet to cinch it down snugly to the pail.
Caution: Take care to not tighten the strap so much that it crushes the sides of the pail!
Raise the pail slightly from the floor and ensure that it is secure for lifting and rotating. When properly gripped, the
pail should not be able to spin or move within the straddle.
Warning: Keep all personnel clear of the machine when it is in operation. Be certain no part of any person or object is
under any part of the pail before lowering the carrier.
Warning: Always carefully observe the pail and the material inside it when dumping.
Note: A material’s viscosity should be considered before determining the maximum rate at which to dump material
from a pail.
Warning: Take care when moving the pail dumper into final position if the pail’s lid is removed for dumping.
Warning: In moving a pail from one location to another, the pail must be securely closed with a tight-fitting lid,
oriented vertically, and kept as low to floor as possible.
Do not exceed a rate of two feet per second when moving the pail dumper.
Caution: If the pail has a carrying handle and the pail will be rotated more than 100° from vertical, consideration must
be given to any potential problems that might arise from the handle dropping into the flow path of the material coming
out of the drum.
The pail dumper utilizes a hand winch to lift pails to a maximum height of 52” off the floor.
Standing from the operator’s position, the winch handle is to be rotated clockwise to raise the pail carrier, and
counterclockwise to lower it. The winch has a braking mechanism which helps to control the descent of the pail
carrier -- the operator does not need to engage a pawl on the winch in order to lower a load in a controlled manner.
Raise the pail to the required dump height.
To rotate the pail and dump its contents, use the right hand to grip the rotating handle and pull the sprocket-locking
mechanism. Rotate the handle slowly counterclockwise to dump the contents of the pail. The sprocket-locking
mechanism can be released at any time to lock the carrier saddle into an angle setting. (There are nine locking
positions between vertical and 135° forward rotation from vertical.)
To upright the pail, grasp the rotating handle, pull the sprocket-locking mechanism, and rotate the handle clockwise.
To remove the pail from the dumper, orient the pail to the vertical position and lower it until the bottom of the pail
touches the floor. To remove the pail, grasp the ratchet handle and pull the release lever inside the handle as you do
so. Pull outward on the ratchet handle to loosen the saddle strap. Unhook the saddle strap from the slot in the side of
the saddle and remove the pail from inside the saddle.
The pail dumper incorporates design elements of a hand truck, and has two wheels underneath the push handle to
allow it to be easily loaded into a van or truck when it is being transported to another location.
Ensure that all information/safety/warning labels stay in place and are legible.
(Refer to the labels page in this manual.)