Qphy-uwb software option – Teledyne LeCroy QPHY-UWB User Manual

Page 19

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QPHY-UWB Software Option



Adjacent Channel Power Ratio (ACPR) View

Click on the ACPR values button to switch from the Mask pass/fail view to the ACPR values view.

This view shows the pass/fail limit testing on the Adjacent Channel Power Ratio parameters. Each of the six
displayed ACPR parameters measures the power ratio between the transmitting band and the two adjacent
bands. Test limit is the same for all six channels and equal to 20 dB.

The test passes if the power in the band being used is greater than the power in the other bands in the band
group by at least 20 dB. Note that the green check marks indicate a valid value for the parameters and not that
they pass the test. The value of the Q1 through Q6 shows the individual test results and the value of “(Q1 & Q2 &
Q3 & Q4 & Q5 & Q6 )“ displays the overall results of the test.

Here is an example of the ACPR values view: