Setting up the decoder, Manchester and nrz – Teledyne LeCroy Line Code and Symbolic Decoders User Manual
Page 6
Line Code and Symbol Decoders
922663 Rev A
Setting Up the Decoder
You can preset up-to-four, independent decoders using the same or different protocols and data
sources. These decoders can be enabled simultaneously or separately, and you can select for each what
data appears on the display.
1. Touch the Front Panel Serial Decode button (if available on your oscilloscope), or choose Analysis >
Serial Decode from the oscilloscope menu bar to access the Serial Decode dialogs.
2. On the same row as the Decoder #:
Select the desired Protocol to use. The selections will depend on the software options
installed on your instrument.
Select the Source (Data) to be decoded. This can be any signal input channel, memory, or
math function. Depending on your Protocol selection, you may be required to select more
than one source. The requisite number of fields will automatically appear.
3. Touch the Setup button to open the Decode Setup dialog. If you use this method rather than the
tab, the correct decoder will be selected by default.
TIP: You can quickly start setup for the other decoders by using the Decode # buttons at the left of
the Decode Setup dialog. You don't have to step back to the Serial Decode dialog to start the setup.
Controls with the same label on either dialog share the same function.
4. Go on to complete the settings required for the specific protocol.
Manchester and NRZ
The Manchester and NRZ Configurable Decoders developed by Teledyne LeCroy are tools aimed at
decoding serial data that is not supported by mainstream decoders. Its goal is to decode fairly simple
serial data not belonging to the historical protocols such as I2C, UART and SPI, or the dedicated
protocols such as CAN, LIN, MIL-1553, ARINC 429, MIPI, Ethernet, etc.
Because they are aimed at general encoding schemes, rather than specific protocols, configuring the
decoder to make it possible for the general algorithms to execute on a particular signal requires a little
more knowledge of serial data encoding logic than with previous decoders. Once the settings have been
determined for a given signal, they can be stored in internal panel files and recalled later, when analysis
on the same signal is required.
Although separate products, in its current form the configurable decoder operates the same for
Manchester or NRZ streams, and they will be treated as one in this manual.
There are some limitations to be observed:
The product will handle digitally encoded data on a single signal, with 2 levels (High and Low), a
constant Bitrate between 10 bit/sec to 10 Gb/sec at any voltage levels, and a timeout(or Inter
Frame Gap) allowing the stream to be decoded into separate bursts of data on the line.
The product will not handle multi-line signals, signals with more than 2 voltage levels, stuff bits
and/or complex synchronization pulses.
While flexible, the product is not suitable for complex protocol streams (e.g., i.e. CAN, MIL-STD-
1553, FlexRay, MIPI) or 2- or 3-signal transmissions (e.g., I2C or SPI). Dedicated decoders are
available for these protocols.