Tomic, Ethf, Ield – Teledyne LeCroy IBTracer 4X - IBTracer Verification Script Engine Users Manual User Manual
Page 30

Computer Access Technology Corporation
IBTracer Verification Script Engine Manual, version 1.0
Page 30 of 35
16.6 GetAtomicETHField()
Extracts information about AtomicETH header field
Format :
GetAtomicETHField ( aeth_fld )
aeth_fld - AtomicETH field identifier that can be one of the following values:
Identifier Meaning
Virtual Address (bytes 0-3)
Virtual Address (bytes 4-7)
Remote Key
Swap (or Add) Data (bytes 0-3)
Swap (or Add) Data (bytes 4-7)
Compare Data (bytes 0-3)
Compare Data (bytes 4-7)
val = GetAtomicETHField (_COMPAREDATA_0_3); # extract first word of
CompareData field from AtomicETH header.
16.7 GetAtomicAckETHField()
Extracts information about AtomicAckETH header field
Format :
GetAtomicAckETHField ( aeth_fld )
aeth_fld - AtomicAckETH field identifier that can be one of the following values:
Identifier Meaning
Original Remote Data (bytes 0-3)
Original Remote Data (bytes 4-7)
val = GetAtomicAckETHField (_ORIGREMDATA_0_3);