Bthf, Ield, Grhf – Teledyne LeCroy IBTracer 4X - IBTracer Verification Script Engine Users Manual User Manual
Page 28

Computer Access Technology Corporation
IBTracer Verification Script Engine Manual, version 1.0
Page 28 of 35
16.2 GetBTHField()
Extracts information about BTH header field
Format :
GetBTHField ( bth_fld )
bth_fld - BTH field identifier that can be one of the following values:
Identifier Meaning
Operation Code
Solicit Event
Migration State
Length of pad
Transport version
Partition Key
Destination QP
Answer bit
Packet Sequence Number
val = GetBTHField (_DESTQP); # extract DestQP field from BTH header
16.3 GetGRHField()
Extracts information about GRH header field
Format :
GetGRHField ( grh_fld )
grh_fld - GRH field identifier that can be one of the following values:
Identifier Meaning
IP Version
Traffic Class
Flow Label
Payload length
Next Header
Hop Limit
Source GID (bytes 0-3)
Source GID (bytes 4-7)
Source GID (bytes 8-11)
Source GID (bytes 12-15)