LEESON SM-Plus Series Sub-Micro Inverters User Manual
Page 52

The table below lists the fault conditions that will cause the drive to shut down, as well as some possible
causes. Please contact the factory for more information on troubleshooting faults.
To clear a fault, issue a STOP command, either on the terminal strip, or using the STOP button on the
optional remote keypad. The fault will only clear if the condition that caused the fault has passed. For
example, if the drive trips on a LOW DC BUS VOLTAGE FAULT (LF) due to low input voltage, the
fault cannot be cleared until the input voltage returns to a normal level.
If the drive is programmed to automatically restart after a fault (see Parameter 03), the drive will attempt
to restart three times after a fault (the drive will not restart after CF, cF, GF, F1, F2-F9, or Fo faults). If
all three restart attempts are unsuccessful, the drive will trip into FAULT LOCKOUT (LC), which
requires a manual reset as described above.
High Temperature Fault: Ambient temperature is too high; Cooling fan has failed (if equipped).
Control Fault: A blank EPM, or an EPM with corrupted data has been installed. Perform a
factory reset using Parameter 48 - PROGRAM SELECTION.
Incompatibility Fault: An EPM with an incompatible parameter version has been installed.
Either remove the EPM or perform a factory reset (Parameter 48) to change the parameter
version of the EPM to match the parameter version of the drive.
Dynamic Braking Fault: The drive has sensed that the dynamic braking resistors are over-
heating and shuts down to protect the resistors.
External Fault: TB-13A and/or TB-13C is set as an External Fault input and TB-13A and/or
TB-13C is open with respect to TB-2. Refer to Parameter 10 and/or 12.
Data Fault: User data and OEM defaults in the EPM are corrupted.
High DC Bus Voltage Fault: Line voltage is too high; Deceleration rate is too fast; Overhauling
load. For fast deceleration or overhauling loads, dynamic braking may be required.
Serial Fault: The watchdog timer has timed out, indicating that the serial link has been lost.
Low DC Bus Voltage Fault: Line voltage is too low.
Output Transistor Fault: Phase to phase or phase to ground short circuit on the output; Failed
output transistor; Boost settings are too high; Acceleration rate is too fast.
Current Overload Fault: VFD is undersized for the application; Mechanical problem with the
driven equipment.
Single-phase Fault: Single-phase input power has been applied to a three-phase drive.
Start Fault: Start command was present when the drive was powered up. Must wait 2 seconds
after power-up to apply Start command if START METHOD is set to NORMAL.
EPM Fault: The EPM is missing or damaged.
F2 - F9, Fo
Internal Faults: The control board has sensed a problem - consult factory.