Installation - keyboard wedge (ps2 style), Installation – serial (ps2 style), Installation - wand emulation (ps2 style) – ID Innovations Bar code Slot Reader - Visible Red and Infra Red User Manual

Page 7: Mounting the slot reader

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Once you have downloaded and installed the software driver, you can create the Virtual COM port to be used by your POS
software. Simply install the driver icon in your startup folder on your computer and it will be loaded each time your computer is
powered up. When the driver is loaded all Card Data will be transmitted to the COM port and into your application.

Note: In most RS232 installations you have to match up the COM port settings of the Card Reader and POS software.
However, when using the ID Innovations Incorporated USB Virtual COM port driver you need not concern yourself with this
step. The driver will automatically present the Card Data in the proper Baud Rate, and Parity settings for your application.

Installation – USB HID Mode

The ID Innovations Incorporated Bar Code Slot Reader can be operated in several different modes. As explained above it can be
used in either a Keyboard Wedge or Virtual COM port mode of operation. In addition to these modes, you can interface to the Bar
Code Slot Reader using USB Human Interface Device (HID) Class specification Version 1.1 Windows API calls. In these modes
the Bar Code Slot Reader behaves like a vendor defined HID device so that a direct communication path can be established
between the Host application and device without interference from other HID devices.

The ID Innovations Incorporated Bar Code Slot Reader provides a serial HID interfaces. The serial interface can be used to
Sequentially receive Card Data in ASCII form in multiple 5 byte Input records. The format of the Card Data transmission is
dependent on the program settings of the Bar Code Slot Reader.

Note: For more information on either of these modes and program assistance in developing your applications contact ID
Innovations Incorporated.

Installation - Keyboard Wedge (PS2 Style)

The Slot Reader is installed between the computer and the keyboard. The keyboard cable is plugged into the Slot Reader using
the connector labeled "KB". The Slot Reader is then connected to the computer using the connector labeled "PC". The PS2-Y
cable is a wedge cable that has two 6 pin Mini-DIN connectors for both the keyboard and the PC.

Installation – Serial (PS2 Style)

To install the Slot Reader serially you will need a ID Innovations, Serial Converter. The Serial Converter is used to convert TTL
signal levels to RS-232 signal levels. The Serial Converter is readily available in a 9-pin straight cable configuration for direct
connection to PCs and a 25-pin Y cable configuration for connection between a Terminal and Host devices. When connecting the
Card Reader to the Serial Converter the PC side of the Card Reader cable should be connected to the 6-pin connector of the
Serial Converter. If you are connecting the Card Reader to a 25-pin Serial Converter, the 25-pin connector marked TERMINAL
should be connected to the Terminal side and the 25-pin connector marked HOST should be connected to the Host side. For
information on cable pin-outs see Appendix D

Note: Do not connect a keyboard to the Slot Reader when operating in Serial mode. If you have a keyboard connected to the
Slot Reader when power is first turned on, the Slot Reader will revert back to the Keyboard Wedge mode of operation. A
keyboard should only be connected to the Slot Reader after power is turned on, so that you may configure the Slot Reader
using the keyboard.

Note: If you have a device with a powered serial port, that provides +5v @75ma, you may connect the Slot Reader directly by
using a simple cable adapter and configuring the Card Reader for Inverted Serial Output, see Inverted Serial Output for
more information.

Installation - Wand Emulation (PS2 Style)

To install the Slot Reader in Wand Emulation mode you must first configure the Slot Reader for Wand Emulation and the proper
segment sizes. In this mode of operation, the Slot Reader can be plugged into the Wand port of a bar code decoder and the
decoded Card Data is transmitted as Code 128 bar codes. In order to connect the Slot Reader to the bar code port of a decoder
you may have to use a simple cable adapter, for information on cable pin-outs see Appendix D.

Note: Do not connect a keyboard to the Slot Reader when operating in Wand Emulation mode. If you have a keyboard
connected to the Slot Reader when power is first turned on, the Slot Reader will revert back to the Keyboard Wedge mode of
operation. A keyboard should only be connected to the Slot Reader after power is turned on, so that you may configure the
Slot Reader using the keyboard.

Mounting The Slot Reader