ID Innovations Bar code Slot Reader - Visible Red and Infra Red User Manual
Page 12

Serial Num Lock: ON
When the Serial Data Format is set to SCAN CODES (PCTERM), this option controls the scan codes that are generated for the
alpha keys. When the Serial Data Format is set to ASCII this option has no effect.
Decoders/Other F2
Select Option Group: DECODERS ON/OFF GROUP
This group of options is used to quickly enable and disable individual bar code decoders. Cursoring down into this group and using
the left and right arrows, allows you to enable and disable each of the following decoders: CODE 39, CODE 128, INTERLEAVED 2
OF 5, and CODABAR.
Select Option Group: CODE 39 GROUP
Select this option group to modify the individual settings for the CODE 39 decoder. Once you have selected this option group, you
may cursor down to configure each of the following decoder options.
CODE 39: Decoder: ON
Use this option to enable or disable the CODE 39 decoder. The default for this option is ON.
The CODE 39 symbology by default can encode the 26 upper case letters (A-Z), 10 digits (0-9), and 7 special characters (SPACE -
. + $ / %). Full ASCII CODE 39 is an extension of CODE 39 that can encode the full 128 ASCII character set. This is
accomplished by using two character sequences of characters from the standard CODE 39 character set. Enabling this option will
allow the decoder to properly read Full ASCII CODE 39 bar codes. With this option disabled (Default), Full ASCII bar codes cannot
be read properly.
Note: You cannot properly read both CODE 39 and Full ASCII CODE 39 bar codes at the same time. Since Full ASCII CODE
39 is an extension of standard CODE 39, the decoder must be used to read one or the other at any given time.
CODE 39: Check Digit: OFF
For applications requiring enhanced data security, a Modulo 43 check digit can be used on CODE 39 and Full ASCII CODE 39 bar
codes. When used, the check digit immediately follows the last data character. Use this option to enable or disable the check digit
requirement for CODE 39 bar codes. When the Slot reader decodes a CODE 39 bar code it will calculate the Modulo 43 check
digit and verify it against the decoded data.
CODE 39: Send Check Digit: OFF
Some applications may require that you use a check digit in the bar code for security but do not require the check digit be
transmitted to the computer. Use this option to have the decoder either send the check digit to the computer or remove the check
digit from the transmitted data.
CODE 39: Send Start/Stop Chars: OFF
Use this option to configure the decoder to transmit the CODE 39 Start/Stop characters to the computer. The default for this
option is OFF, to not transmit Start/Stop characters.
CODE 39: Maximum Length: 49
CODE 39: Minimum Length: 0
Use these options to configure the minimum and maximum lengths of CODE 39 bar codes that can be read. If you configure the
Maximum Length to 10 characters and the Minimum Length to 5 characters, the decoder will not read CODE 39 bar codes with
less than 5 characters and more than 10 characters. When calculating length requirements, do not include any Start/Stop
CODE 39: Type ID: a DEC 97 HEX 61
Use this option to configure the Type ID for the CODE 39 bar code. If the Full ASCII option is enabled then this Type ID is used as
the Type ID for Full ASCII CODE 39 bar codes. Sometime it may be necessary to transmit a Type ID for the type of the bar code
that was just read, this will allow a system to determine what to do with the data for the bar code. For example, CODE 39 bar
codes could be used for employee identification purposes and UPC bar codes could be used for product codes. The Type ID for
CODE 39 and UPC bar codes would be different allowing the system to automatically use the information in the appropriate
modules. Type ID's can be transmitted as a prefix or a suffix to the bar code data, for more information see OTHER: Send Bar
Code Type ID on page 15.