Harwin C90 Braid Adaptors - Tie-Band User Manual

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IS-33 Issue: 2 Date: 28.04.11 C/Note: 11256

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Prepare the cable making sure that a sufficient length of shield is available, so
that it fits against the front shoulder of the lip groove. (Fig 1)


Before insertion of connector contacts, slide the heat-shrinkable connector boot
onto the cable, followed by the braid adaptor.


Position the heat shrinkable boot, braid adaptor, and braid out of the way, and
insert the connector contacts. Depending upon the shielding braid size it can
either be folded back onto itself or bunched up concertina style out of the way
for easy access to the cable conductors.


Slide the braid adaptor forward, over the braid, and pull the braid back so it is
not trapped under the adaptor.


Screw the braid adaptor onto the connector and tighten to the torque value
specified in the table below. It is recommended that the connector threads are
lubricated with a suitable compound (Rocol Silicone Spray), if a liquid lock is not
used. The adaptor should be hand tightened to ensure proper thread alignment
and then tightened with a strap wrench or soft jaw pliers and torque meter
(Torqueleader ADS 25) to the specified torque.

6. Bring the cable shield braid up onto the adaptor body so that it fits against the
front shoulder of the lip groove. Alternatively extend the braid past the lip
groove. Note: After assembly, braid can be trimmed with side cutters or
folded back and secured with high temperature tape.

Tightening Torque

Shell Size

( ±5)

(Nm ±0.5)

10SL 40 4.5

12S 40 4.5
14S 40 4.5

Braid Adaptor

Lip groove

Heat Shrink

Connector Boot

Cable Shield Braid

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Fig 1