Gilderfluke&Co Sd-10 Audio Repeaters User Manual

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Mode 0 / off/off/off Loops with Mutes: Loop all of
the SoundFiles on the Sd-10, starting at PowerUp.
Input ʻaʼ will ramp the audio to a fully muted level
when activated. The ʻbʼ input ramps the audio to a
ʻhalf mutedʼ (lower) volume which is -24 dB from the

normal volume level. The Sd-10 will support up to
32,768 SoundFiles while in this mode.

Mode 1 / on/off/off Single trigger with reshuffle: In-
put ʻaʼ plays ALL of the SoundFiles on the Sd-10
(SoundFiles 1 through ??). Input ʻbʼ reshuffles the
ʻPlayListʼ triggered by the ʻaʼ input.

Mode 1 (NoStep) / off/on/off As above, but once a
sound is triggered, another sound canʼt be triggered
until the first has stopped. It canʼt be ʻStepped Onʼ.

Mode 2 / on/on/off Two PlayLists, with looping
background SoundFile: This mode divides all of the
SoundFiles into two evenly sized ʻPlayListsʼ. Input
ʻaʼ triggers SoundFiles from the first half, and input
ʻbʼ triggers SoundFiles from the second half. The
Sd-10 will loop the last SoundFile on the card
whenever it isnʼt playing a triggered SoundFile. The
first ʻPlayListʼ starts at the first SoundFile. The back-
ground looping SoundFile will start playing as soon
as the Sd-10 is powered up. There must be at least
three SoundFiles on the Sd-10 for this mode. If
there is an even number of SoundFiles on the Sd-
, then the second PlayList (triggered by the ʻbʼ in-
put) will have one less SoundFile than the first
PlayList (triggered by ʻaʼ input).

If you need the two PlayLists that this mode pro-
vides, but donʼt need the background looping file:
Just make sure that the last SoundFile on the flash
card is complexly silent. In this way, it will loop away
in the background without disturbing anyone.

Mode 2 (NoStep) / off/off/on As above, but once a
sound is triggered, another sound canʼt be started
until the first has ended. While the triggered sounds
are protected from another SoundFile starting, the
background SoundFile can be stepped on by any
trigger to play a SoundFile from the ʻaʼ or ʻbʼ inputs.

Mode 3 / on/off/on Trigger SoundFiles one or two,
with a background SoundFile PlayList. Input ʻaʼ
plays the first SoundFile. Input ʻbʼ plays the second
SoundFile. If not playing either of these SoundFiles,
then SoundFiles 3 through ?? will be played. If the
ʻRandomʼ switch (DipSwitch #4) is ʻonʼ, the back-

ground SoundFiles will be played in a Random or-
der. There must be at least three SoundFiles on the
Sd-10 for this mode. This mode is ʻSteppableʼ.

Mode 3 (NoStep) / off/on/on As above, but once a
sound is triggered, another sound canʼt be triggered
until the first has stopped. While the triggered
sounds are protected from another SoundFile start-
ing, the background SoundFile can be stepped on
by any trigger to play a SoundFile from the ʻaʼ or ʻbʼ

Mode 4 / on/on/on ʻStoreCasterʼ and ʻMusic-On-
Holdʼ mode. From PowerUp, all but the first Sound-
File will play in a loop. Between each of these
SoundFiles, it will play the first SoundFile. This al-
lows the first SoundFile to be used as an advertise-
ment or safety announcement. There must be at
least two SoundFiles on the Sd-10 for this mode.
Input ʻaʼ ramps the audio down to full mute when ac-
tivated. Input ʻbʼ ramps the audio down -24 dB from
full volume when activated.

DipSwitch #4
tells the Sd-10 to play in sequential
order (order in which the SoundFiles were loaded
onto the flash card) when DipSwitch #4 is ʻoffʼ, or in
random order when DipSwitch #4 is ʻonʼ. When play-
ing in random order, a flag is set for each SoundFile.
It will randomly pick the next SoundFile to play, and
reset this flag until it runs out of SoundFiles which
havenʼt yet been played. It will then reshuffle the
SoundFiles. This means that the same SoundFile
wonʼt be played a second time until after the next
reshuffle happens. The only time the same Sound-
File can play two times in a row is if a reshuffle hap-
pens and the next file which is chosen at random
happens to be the same SoundFile. It can happen,
but probably wonʼt often. Any of the command
modes which ʻreshuffleʼ the SoundFiles will reset all
the SoundFile flags. If playing ʻrandomlyʼ, then any
SoundFile in the PlayList can be played after a re-
shuffle. If playing sequentially, it will start playing
with the first SoundFile in the PlayList after a re-

Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485

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