Atlantis Land A02-RI_M02 User Manual
Page 17

First you need to make a decision about Obtain IP Address Automatically. Available
options are via PPP over Ethernet, via DHCP, or No. If you choose No go to step 3. If you
choose via DHCP go to step 4, and if you choose via PPP over Ethernet go to step 5. If you
choose via PPTP, go to step 6.
Step 3: If you choose No for the selection of Obtain IP Address Automatically. The following
screen will be displayed. Enter the following information and then Click Apply.
Profile Name: the name that you will use to identify this Internet access profile.
EWAN IP Address: the IP address of your EWAN.
EWAN IP Netmask: the IP Netmask of your EWAN.
ISP Gateway IP Address: the IP Address of your ISP Gateway
Primary DNS IP Address: the IP Address of your Primary DNS.
Secondary DNS IP Address: the IP Address of your Secondary DNS
Step 4: If you choose via DHCP for the selection of Obtain IP Address Automatically. The
following screen will be displayed. Enter the following information and then Click Apply.
Profile Name: the name that you will use to identify this Internet access profile.
(Optional) Host Name (System Name): the Host Name provided by your system.
Step 5: If you choose via PPP over Ethernet for the selection of Obtain IP Address
Automatically. The following screen will be displayed. Enter the following information and then
Click Apply and Test.