SKC 225-95 Series Gelatin Filters User Manual
Gelatin filters, Operating instructions, Performance profi le

Gelatin Filters
Cat. Nos. 225-9551 and 225-9552
SKC Gelatin Filters are designed for the detection and analysis of airborne
microbes. Gelatin fi lters not only retain bacteria and molds but are also eff ective for
the collection of viruses. Used to quantitatively collect airborne microorganisms,
gelatin fi lters have an inherent high moisture content that helps to maintain
viability of stress-sensitive microorganisms for sampling periods up to 30 minutes.
The gelatin material can be dissolved easily in a buff er or agar medium for easy
detection of bacteria and viruses.
Performance Profi le
Material .......................Water-soluble gelatin
Pore Size .....................While having a nominal pore size of 3.0 μm, a higher capture
ciency of sub-micron particles can be expected due to the
separations that occur on the surface and within the fi lter. It
is through inertial impaction and diff usional interception that
these fi lters can remove particles much smaller than 3.0 μm.
Diameter .....................25 or 37 mm
Thickness ....................Approximately 250 μm
Resistance ...................Maximum 140 F (60 C)
Dampness Content ....46 to 49%
Max. Temperature
and Humidity ............Maximum room temperature is 86 F (30 C);
maximum relative humidity is 85%
Sterilization ................Presterilized by gamma radiation
Max. Sampling
Time ............................30 minutes (see Sampling Parameters on page 2)
Storage ........................Refrigerator storage is recommended (39.2 to 46.4 F [4 to 8 C])
for gelatin fi lters.
Caution: Do not store gelatin fi lters below 39.2 F (4 C).
Condensation during thawing will dissolve fi lter. Avoid
exposing fi lters to moisture, chemical vapors, and extreme
Shelf-life ......................3 years from date of manufacture
Analysis ......................Direct method or indirect method (see pages 3 and 4)
Operating Instructions
863 Valley View Road, Eighty Four, PA 15330 USA
Tel: 724-941-9701 Fax: 724-941-1369 e-mail: [email protected]