SKC 225-01-01_02 Respirable Dust Aluminum Cyclone User Manual
Operating instructions

Aluminum Cyclone
25 mm - Catalog No. 225-01-01
37 mm - Catalog No. 225-01-02
The SKC Aluminum Cyclone
The SKC Aluminum Cyclone is a lightweight respirable dust sampler that is used with a
fi lter loaded into a three-piece fi lter cassett e. The fi lter material, pore size, and the support
pad must be selected as specifi ed by the sampling method used. The cyclone separates the
dust particles according to size. The respirable particles collect on a fi lter for analysis while
larger particles fall into the grit pot and are discarded.
Flow rate:
2.5 L/min to conform to the ISO/CEN particle size selection criteria and
OSHA proposed rule for silica (4.0-μm 50% cut-point)
2.8 L/min for alternate applications (3.5-μm 50% cut-point)
* As previously published, a fl ow rate of 2.6 L/min will give a 4 μm cut-point, however, 2.5 L/min
will give a bett er match over the entire curve.
† Determined using experimental data obtained at fl ows from 2.0 to 4.0 L/min
Note: The ACGIH/ISO/CEN curve requires using the fl ow rate that minimizes the bias of the
cyclone separation from the convention curve.
1. Disassemble a three-piece cassett e and set
aside inlet section (usually marked “inlet”).
Remove plug from cassett e outlet.
2. Select
fi lter and support pad as specifi ed
in the sampling method. Insert cassett e ring
(middle) section into cassett e outlet (see Figure 1).
3. Insert cyclone into cassett e ring and press
fi rmly. Leave grit pot in place during calibration
and sampling.
4. Insert
cyclone/cassett e assembly through
large opening of fi lter cassett e holder (see Figure
3). Ensure assembly is seated fi rmly in holder
by inserting the cyclone‘s side pin (small round
nodule on rim of cyclone) into the notch in the
fi lter cassett e holder.
5. Secure assembly in holder by stretching the
spring-loaded hold-down plate over the cassett e.
Insert adapter (located in end of rubber tubing)
into cassett e outlet.
1. Prepare a cyclone/fi lter cassett e assembly (see Assembly).
Calibrate the cyclone with grit pot in place.
2. Moisten O-ring inside large end of calibration chamber (Cat. No. 225-01-
03, see Figure 2) and push chamber over cyclone stem until it fi ts snugly.
3. Connect the Tygon
tubing att ached to the fi lter cassett e holder to the inlet
of a sampling pump. Using fl exible tubing, connect the calibration chamber to
a calibrator.
4. Following instructions in the pump and calibrator manuals, calibrate to
required fl ow rate (see reverse side).
5. Disconnect calibrator and replace fi lter used to set fl ow with a fresh
weighed fi lter (unused) for sample collection.
1. Ensure
fl ow rate has been
calibrated (see Calibration).
Warning: Leave grit pot in place
during calibration and sampling.
2. Connect the Tygon tubing att ached
to the fi lter cassett e holder to the inlet of
a sampling pump.
3. Clip
cyclone/fi lter cassett e assembly
onto a worker‘s collar or pocket near the
breathing zone.
4. Start pump and record pertinent
5. At the end of the sampling period,
stop pump and record fi nish time.
Remove cyclone/fi lter cassett e assembly from cassett e holder. Separate cyclone from
cassett e. Reassemble inlet section of cassett e, ensuring the inlet and outlet are sealed with
plugs. Send cassett e and all data to a laboratory for analysis.
Note: Particles collected in the grit pot do not represent any part of the respirable dust sample and
should be discarded.
6. Prior to further sampling, clean all parts of the cyclone, including the interior of the grit
pot, with mild soapy water. The cyclone may be wiped with a clean dust-free tissue, air
dried, blown dry, or wiped with isopropyl alcohol.
Catalog No.
Three-piece Filter Cassette Blanks
25 mm
37 mm
Filter Cassette Holder
25 or 37 mm
Calibration Chamber
25 or 37 mm
SKC Limited Warranty and Return Policy
SKC products are subject to the SKC Limited Warranty and Return Policy, which provides
SKC’s sole liability and the buyer’s exclusive remedy. To view the complete SKC Limited
Warranty and Return Policy, go to htt
Form 3803 Rev 1402
Figure 1
Exploded view
of the cyclone/fi lter
cassette assembly
Figure 3
Cyclone with fi lter cassette in holder
Cassette Assembly
Grit Pot
Collar Clip
Air Flow
Figure 2
For more information: See SKC T
Operating Instructions
863 Valley View Road, Eighty Four, PA 15330 USA
Tel: 724-941-9701 Fax: 724-941-1369 e-mail: [email protected]