SKC 311 Series Laboratory Film Flowmeters User Manual
SKC Equipment

Soap Film Flowmeter
Cat. No. 311-1000
Operating Instructions
863 Valley View Road, Eighty Four, PA 15330 USA
Tel: 724-941-9701 e-mail: [email protected]
Screw the tripod legs into the base ring. Insert the bulb end of the fl owmeter into the center
hole of the base ring and slide the glass down into the ring until the zero line is approximately
1 1/2 inches above the base ring. Tighten the screws until the O-ring is compressed snugly
against the glass.
Tip the fl owmeter at an angle and pour a small amount of fi lm solution into the top of the
glass tube so that the liquid runs down the sides. Squeeze the rubber bulb occasionally to
release trapped air and continue adding fi lm solution until the liquid fi lls the bulb and rises
to a level just below the side arm inlet.
To calibrate a sample pump, connect the pump, with the sampling media in line if applicable,
to the appropriate end of the fl owmeter. If the pump draws air, connect it to the rubber tubing
att ached to the rubber stopper (see Figure 1 on reverse side). If the pump blows air, connect it to
the lower side arm of the fl owmeter using rubber tubing. The 311 Laboratory Film Flowmeter
Kit is calibrated to a primary standard ± 2% of the volumes marked on the fl owmeter.
Turn on the pump. Gently squeeze the rubber bulb to bring the liquid level momentarily above
the sidearm inlet. Bubbles (soap fi lm) will form which travel up the glass tube with the air
fl ow. Repeat until the bubbles travel the length of the tube without breaking.
CAUTION: Do not squeeze the bulb for more than an instant. Vigorous squeezing
may form a froth which makes timing bubbles diffi cult and may cause fi lm solution
to be drawn into the pump.
Use a precision stopwatch to time a single fi lm as it travels between the volume lines marked
on the glass. Start the stopwatch when the fi lm reaches the zero line and stop the stopwatch
when the fi lm reaches the volume line. (It is usually best to form several bubbles 5 to 6 seconds
apart and time the last bubble.) Record the time. Repeat the procedure at least three times
ending at the same volume line and average the results.
Determining the Flow
Calculate the fl ow using the equation:
Flow (ml/min) = x (Volume line used {ml})
Time (sec)
Form 3702 Rev 1210
Figure 1.
311 Series Flowmeter in calibration train with vacuum pump
Pump inlet
(upper port)
(lower side arm port)
inlet (lower
side arm)
Close up of 311 Flowmeter
side arm (inlet)
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