SKC 225-9611 BioStage Single-stage Bioaerosol Impactor User Manual
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Caution: Clean the BioStage before the fi rst use and between subsequent uses.
See Cleaning and Sterilizing.
Caution: Sanitize hands or wear disposable gloves. Sanitize hands and
impactor any time contamination from handling is possible. Do not touch holes
in the jet classifi cation stage.
1. Remove the inlet cone by lifting it up and off.
2. Remove the jet classifi cation stage by gently
unscrewing it and lifting it up and off.
Note: Visually inspect the condition of the O-ring
in the inlet cone and in the base plate. Ensure the
O-ring surface is smooth (i.e., without cracks, cuts,
or other damage). Ensure the O-ring fi ts properly
in the channel in the inlet cone and the base plate.
The O-ring should lay fl ush with the upper lip
of channel. Replace if there is apparent damage,
stretching, or thinning.
Caution: Ensure refrigerated agar plates have been permitted to warm up to
ambient temperature (approximately 20 minutes) before use.
3. Remove the lid from an agar plate and place the lid in
a clean resealable bag. Place the agar plate on the three
raised metal pins in the base plate of the impactor.
Caution: Do not operate without an agar plate in place.
4. Gently screw the jet classifi cation stage back onto the
base plate. Align and press the inlet cone onto the jet
classifi cation stage until a secure seal is established.