Adu.findorcreate, Adu.forceterminate, Adu.forwardevent – Avaya Interaction Center DXX-1015-01 User Manual
Page 53

Issue 1.0 June 2002
status = Vesp_Request( "ADU.FindByKey", callback, 0x2132,
session, "key", "1137", &aduid );
IDL Syntax
ORBStatus FindOrCreate( in SeqCouple match, in SeqCouple, oncreate, out string
vdu_id) ;
This method searches the local server for an ADU that exactly matches all names and values in the
match. It does not support wildcards. If a match is not found on the local server, it searches other
ADU servers. If a match is found, it returns the id of the ADU. If multiple matches are found, the
id of the most recently created ADU is returned.
If ADU.FindOrCreate does not find a match, the local server creates the ADU with the names and
values from the combined list of match and oncreate. The id is then returned. This is the only case
where the oncreate parameter is used.
Note: This method is intended to by used by the Avaya Toolkit. If you know the ADU needs to be
created, it is recommended that you use the Create method because it is considerably faster and
much more efficient.
Input Parameters
Output Parameters
IDL Syntax
ORBStatus ADU.ForceTerminate(in string duid)
Forces the ADU object to be deleted from memory and from the database both, so it can no longer
be used.
IDL Syntax
ORBStatus ForwardEvent( in unsigned long handleis, in Event Event) ;
Search key to find ADU.
Value to match if name is found.
Agent Data Unit Identifier.
Request was successful..
Requires values to find ADU. The match parameter may be empty.