Ransburg 9060 HV P.S. Electric Motor 80102-21X User Manual
Page 29

9060 for No. 2 Process Handgun - Maintenance
Over-Load Fault
The Over Load Fault indicates
the current output has exceed-
ed the overload threshold. This
fault is only active if jumper 17
is shorted. The overload
threshold is normally set at 10
µA below the maximum output
of the applicator.
1. This may indicate the paint conductivity is too high
(resistance too low) or the outside of the applicator
is contaminated with paint.
Current Limit
Fault (CL)
The Current Limit Fault indi-
cates the current output of the
gun has exceeded the maxi-
mum allowable output current.
It typically occurs with the high
voltage on.
1. Clean outside of the applicator.
2. Replace barrel or applicator.
3. Send applicator in for repair.
Feedback Fault
The Feedback Fault indicates
there is no current feedback or
it is incorrect. It typically occurs
with the high voltage on.
1. Securely attach a ground wire to the applicator elec-
2. Set the high voltage to maximum and short the KV
test jumper.
3. The current reading on the control unit should rise
up to the maximum current output. If it does not,
send the applicator in for repair.
Voltage Cable
Fault (UC)
The Voltage Feedback Fault
indicates the cascade drive sig-
nal is not present. It typically
occurs when high voltage is
1. Turn off the voltage controller and remove the high
voltage cable from the voltage controller.
2. Turn on the power and place a jumper across the
KV Test Jumper. If the fault occurs, send the volt-
age controller in for repair. If no fault occurs, contin-
3. Either the high voltage cable or if using a hand gun,
the gun resistor tube has failed.. If available, re-
place the high voltage cable, or continue to test the
resistor tube.
4. To test the resistor tube, remove the resistor tube
from the gun and inspect for signs of burning or arc-
ing. Cracks or black marks indicate failure of the
resistor tube, indicating the resistor tube must be
replaced. Measure the resistance using a tri-meter
connected to the black end of the tube and screw-
driver in the other end. The measurement must be
150 to 170 Mega ohms. Replace resistor tube if the
reading is not correct.
5. Replace high voltage cable or send applicator unit in
for repair.