Faults, Fault descriptions – Ransburg 9060 HV P.S. Electric Motor 80102-21X User Manual
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9060 for No. 2 Process Handgun - Operation
Resetting Faults
During operation, various faults can occur
based upon the operating conditions or if any
problems with the 9060 unit arise. If a fault
occurs, to reset a fault, turn off the No. 2
Handgun and press the Reset Button . This will
clear the fault status and put the unit back into
operation unless a fault condition is still present.
Please refer to the “Fault Description” portion of
the Operation Section of this Service manual for
more information on a specific fault and how to
correct it.
Any fault code not listed that appear on
the screen are a likely indication of a PC
board failure due to possible arc damage.
Figure 11: Cable Fault Display
Cable Fault (CF)
This fault will occur if high voltage is active and
the microprocessor detects that no current is
being supplied to the applicator. This indicates
a connection problem from the control unit to
the cascade or handgun barrel assembly.
Ground Fault (GF)
If this fault occurs, the fault indicator on the
control unit will illuminate, a GF indication will
show in the uA display. This fault will occur if
the microprocessor detects a loss of ground at
the high voltage section. If this fault occurs,
reset the fault. This fault can be caused by a
broken ground path between the applicator
and the control unit and may indicate a faulty
cable or plug assembly. It can also be caused
by a broken ground path between the high
voltage section and the pc board. Check the
wiring to the high voltage section. For more
information, refer to Fault Troubleshooting
Figure 12: Ground Fault Display
Typical causes include a faulty low voltage
cable, stuck pins on the plug assembly, or
contaminated contacts on the applicator. This
may also indicate a faulty barrel assembly for a
handgun. This could also indicate a connection
problem between the pc board and the high
voltage section. Check the wiring harness for
loose pins, or replace the high voltage section.
For additional information, refer to the Fault
Troubleshooting Section.
For in depth troubleshooting information on the
9060, please refer to the “Fault Troubleshoot-
ing” portion of the Maintenance Section of this
service manual.
If a fault occurs, the Fault
Indicator on the front of the Controller will light
and a fault code will be displayed on the
microamp display. Faults can be reset by
pressing the Reset button on the front of the
Controller or by using the remote I/O reset
There is a 5 second fault reset delay
timer that inhibits the triggering of high
voltage immediately after a fault reset.