General Tools and Instruments 861 User Manual
Page 12
• When cutting a box joint, only use the “TAILS” portion of the jig for all cuts.
• For box jointing, use a 1/2 in. diameter straight bit with a 1/4 in. shank with either a 1/2 in.
O.D. guide bearing or a 1/2 in. O.D. guide sleeve insert in your router. Set the depth of the
cutter to equal, or slightly greater than the thickness of the wood you are joining.
Tip: Always make sure that the guide bearing or the guide sleeve tracks in the guide slot.
• To avoid the “round-over” part of the jig’s guide finger, use a 1/4 in. thick shim between
the wood and the inner surface of the jig to offset the board from the “round-over”.
Tip: If you’re doing more than one joint, you can use a piece of double-face tape to hold
the shim in place.
861 Dovetailer II Manual 11P-081711_Layout 1 8/17/11 5:12 PM Page 12
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