General Tools and Instruments 860 Addendum User Manual
Dovetailer instruction box joint addendum

Instructions for making a box joint on the No. 860 DOVETAILER jig
For box jointing, use a ½” diameter straight bit with either a ½” O.D. top guide bearing or a ½” O.D.
guide sleeve insert in your router. Set the depth of the cutter to equal, or slightly exceed the thickness of
the stock you’re joining.
Tip: Always make sure the guide bearings or the guide sleeve tracks on the guide slot.
To avoid the “round‐over” part of the guide finger of the jig, use a ¼” thick piece of scrap as a shim
between the wood and the inner surface of the jig to offset the board from the “round‐over” (figure 19,
page 5).
Tip: If you’re doing more than one joint, you can use a piece of double‐face tape to hold the shim in
Cut the slots in the first board with the board edge set flush with the right hand edge of the jig
(see fig.
20, page 5).
Make entry and exit cut using the left side of the guide slot only.
For the joining board, clamp it in the jig with its edge offset in 3/8” in from the right hand edge of the jig
(see fig. 21, page 5, except use 3/8” offset instead of ½”).
Make entry and exit cut using the right side of
the guide slot only.
Dry fit the joint before gluing to be sure it is tight. If necessary, use a wood mallet to bring the two parts