Appendix iv: ip command functions – Fairbanks FB3000 Kernel Program Operators Manual User Manual

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51146 Rev. 3

Appendix IV: IP Command Functions

Command Structure:


Where Sender is:

The Computer Name of the PC which is sending the command.

Where Command is:

Lowercase z =

Zeroes all scales.

Uppercase Z1, Z2, etc = Zero a specific scale.

Uppercase ZA or ZB = Zero ScaleA (1 to 4) or ScaleB (5 to 8)

Lowercase u =

Change units on all scales.

Uppercase U1, U2, etc. = Change units on a specific scale.

Uppercase UA or UB = Change units on ScaleA (1 to 4) or

ScaleB (5 to 8)

Poll Character (see Configured Output) sends configured output.

Where LF is: Line Feed


[Freds PC],[COMMAND],Z1,[End][LF]

i.e. – Freds PC is requesting Scale 1 to Zero.