Instrument, 1 precautions using the 8800 series trace moistu, 1 electromagnetic compatibility considerations – Teledyne 8800A/8800B - Panel / Wall mount trace moisture analyzer User Manual

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Section 3: Instrument


3. Instrument

3.1 Precautions using the 8800 Series Trace Moisture Analyzer

The 8800 Series Trace Moisture Analyzer uses state-of-the-art microelectronics to provide a com-
pact full functioning instrument. The user should consider the following precautions when using
any sensitive electronic device.

Observe the appropriate electrical safety codes and regulations. Consult with National Electri-
cal Code article 400, and/or other nationally or locally recognized procedures relevant to your
installation. You will most probably require a disconnect switch, and power wiring. The
power cord provided with the instrument is intended only for testing, it may not be used for a
permanent field wired installation. This instrument is UL approved for field wiring.

If weather proofing is required consult your representative for an optional enclosure. The
8800 Series Trace Moisture Analyzer is not intended for direct outdoor installation unless it is
appropriately housed.

Do not install the unit near heat sources such as radiators or air ducts.

Do not install the unit in places subject to extreme mechanical vibration or shock. If this is not
avoidable, use resilient mounting. If in doubt, call your representative.

3.1.1 Electromagnetic Compatibility Considerations
The 8800 Series Trace Moisture Analyzer has been designed and verified by testing to meet the
requirements of the EC Council EMC Directive 89/336/EEC, for Industrial, Scientific & Medical
equipment. The sensor ground is isolated from the AC ground, logic ground, 4-20mA loop return,
etc.; however they are also shunted with a 0.1uf capacitor 1M Ohm resistor, and a 33V Transient
Voltage Suppressor; this prevents electrostatic buildup, noise pick-up, and in conjunction with the
internal fuse protects the instrument from over-voltage inputs. Please consider the following elec-
tromagnetic interference issues during installation:

In order to provide an acceptable noise environment for the 8800 series Trace Moisture Ana-
lyzer or any other digital equipment in the proximity of switched inductive loads, it is recom-
mended that there be varistors placed across the inductors to keep down the high voltage
spikes during transitions.

Any circuitry which is activated by relay contacts should account for the contact bounce, one
simple debouncing method is placing a capacitor across the relay contacts.

AC power wiring should be routed as far away from the 8800 Series Trace Moisture Analyzer
and its wiring as practical.