When – Teledyne 7320 - NDIR analyzer User Manual

Page 32

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3 Start-up and Theory of Operation

Model 7320


Teledyne Analytical Instruments

These lamps are typically rated for 20,000 hours continuous operation


run in the DC mode (+5VDC). This collimated energy is directed through
parallel infrared beams. The radiant energy passes through tubes containing a
continuously flowing sample gas. As the beam passes through the reference
tube, the energy of the beam is unattenuated and balanced which provides a
standard of source energy output for comparison. The gas of interest is
present in the measurement tube, however, the energy of the beam will be
attenuated at the specific absorption wavelength.

After passing through the two tubes, the radiant beams are reflected and
imaged by a second concave mirror onto a photon detector. A spectral filter,
located just in front of the detector, represents the precise “window” of the
absorption band for the specific gas of interest. Energy outside the band is

The detector converts the optical energy from the radiant beams into an
electrical signal which is modulated in proportion to the gas concentration.

Th erm istor

H eater





C oarse

A djustm ent


R ang e


A to D

C onve rter

D ig itial to
A nalo g
C onve rter
(DAC )

0-1 V dc
C oncen tration
and R an ge

4-20 m A dc
C oncen tration
and R an ge

D iffere nce

A m plifier

Auto Z ero

A m plifier

C e n tra l

P ro ce ssin g

U n it

(C P U )

A larm 1

A larm 2

S ystem
Fa ilure
A larm

R S -232

R ang e
C ontacts (4)

E xtern al
C ontrol

R em ote Sp an
C ontrol

R em ote Zero
C ontrol

C al

C ontact

D isplays

P rocessing

Pow er

S upply

A to D C onv

To C P U


S ource

P ream p

P ream p

D etecto r

D etecto r

Figure 3-1: Block Diagram of the Model 7320 Electronics