General service, repair, or returns, Service, Server products limited warranty – Server IS-1/3 (86090/86479/86338/86339/86341/86478) User Manual

Page 4: Unit cleaning, Unit troubleshooting

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server Products Inc.

3601 Pleasant hill road

richfield, wI 53076 usA




[email protected]

GenerAl servICe, rePAIr,

Or retUrns

before sending any item to server Products for service,

repair, or return, contact server Products customer

service to request a return Authorization number.

merchandise must be sent to server Products with this


merchandise being returned for credit must be in new

and unused condition and not more than 90 days old

and will be subject to a 20% (percent) restocking

charge. electrical parts (thermostats, heating elements

etc.) are not returnable.

server Products maintains a fully staffed service

department with highly skilled factory trained

personnel. service is extremely prompt. under normal

circumstances, a repaired unit is shipped out the day

after it is received. labor charges are reasonable.


Contact your dealer or server Products Inc.

customer service department for the following:

orderIng rePlACement PArts

Be prepared to give this information:

model letters/name/numbers
Part numbers- P/n
series numbers/letters
Part description

this information and other important data is stamped

on the lid or cylinder of pumps or on the bottom or

back side of every unit.

servicing Cord

Specific tools are required for safe and proper power

supply cord removal and installation. If cord must be

replaced, only a representative of the oem (original
equipment manufacturer) or a qualified technician may
replace cord. Cord must meet code designation h05
rn-F requirements.

server PrOdUCts

lIMIted wArrAnty

All server Products equipment is backed by a

two-year limited warranty against defects in materials

and workmanship. For complete warranty information

go to:

UnIt CleAnInG

beFore FIrst use And AFter use dAIly,

dIsAssemble And CleAn unIt. stAInless steel

PArts CAn Corrode. It Is ImPortAnt to CleAn,

rInse, sAnItIze, And dry these PArts dAIly And

ProPerly. FAIlure to ComPly wIth Any oF these

InstruCtIons mAy voId unIt wArrAnty.


see unIt tAke down.


ensure unIt Is “oFF” And unPlugged.

warning: never immerse unit into water.

• never use any water jet or pressure

sprayer on unit.

• electrical shock could occur or electrical

components inside the unit could be

damaged from water exposure.


wAsh Insets, PAns, And unIt bAsIn wIth

dIshwAshIng detergent And hot wAter

dAIly. rInse thoroughly And dry wIth A

CleAn soFt Cloth.

A general purpose, nonabrasive cleaner may be

used on hard to remove food deposits.

you may use a mildly abrasive nylon or brass

brush to remove any stubborn food or mineral

deposits on interior surfaces of unit.

do not use abrasive cleansers, scrapers, steel

pads, steel wool, or other cleaning tools that can

scratch surfaces.

do not use cleansing agents with high

concentrations of acid, alkaline or chlorine.

these agents can corrode stainless steel.

Fully rinsing all parts can help prevent corrosion.
various elements and minerals, such as chlorides

in tap water, can accumulate on stainless steel

parts and create corrosion.

to prevent corrosion on any stainless steel parts,

it is important to fully dry with a clean soft cloth



wIPe externAl surFACes oF unIt dAIly wIth

A CleAn dAmP Cloth. dry wIth A CleAn soFt


A nontoxic glass cleaner may be used for

cleaning any stainless steel parts.


sAnItIze All PArts FollowIng your loCAl

sAnItIzAtIon requIrements. All PArts In

ContACt wIth Food must be sAnItIzed.

Allow parts to fully air dry after sanitization.

UnIt trOUBlesHOOtInG

PossIble Problem:

unit does not heat.

PossIble solutIons:

ensure cord is securely plugged in.
ensure power is available from source.
ensure unit is on.
ensure temperature is set correctly.