Rethermalization and hot food holding, Control functions – Server IS-1/3 (86090/86479/86338/86339/86341/86478) User Manual
Page 3

retHerMAlIzAtIOn And
HOt fOOd HOldInG
(national sanitation Foundation)
nsF International and
(American national standards Institute)
list this unit as a “
and hot Food holding unit (standard 4)
rethermalization of food products is achieved by
this appliance when it elevates the food product
temperature from a refrigerated 40°F (4°C) to a safe
food cooked temperature of 165°F (74°C) within a
period of 2 hours.
hot Food holding is achieved with this appliance
when it maintains a product temperature at or
above 150°F (66°C), in all locations throughout
the product, for a minimum of 2 hours, even if
any lids or covers are removed. lids or covers are
recommended to help maintain product temperature.
tO ACHIeve sAfe HOt fOOd HOldInG:
PreheAt unIt wIth lId(s) InstAlled, wIth
CorreCt Amount oF wAter In bAsIn, And
wIth temPerAture Controller set At 220°F
(104°C) For 30 mInutes.
AFter PreheAt, temPerAture Controller
must remAIn At 220°F (104°C) settIng For
entIre durAtIon oF hot Food holdIng.
Cold food is not to be added to the unit for
rethermalization while hot food is being held.
server Products Inc. claims no responsibility
for actual serving temperature of product. It is
the responsibility of the user to ensure that any
product is held and served at a safe temperature.
down Button
Power Button
Heating Indicator
(Heating element Active when lighted)
digital display
(set temperature)
Up Button
°f/°C indicator (on = °C)
COntrOl fUnCtIOns
COl = Cool
heating element is “off” and is cooling down to set
Pre = heat
heating element is “on” and is warming up to set
the temperature differential between cool
and heat is 10
° F (-12°C)
of set temperature.
display will switch between control functions and
set temperature until the unit stabilizes.
err = error
Control board is not functioning. repair is required.
temperature range for this unit is 100 °F to 220 °F
(37°C to 104°C).
Pressing and holding the up or down button
will cycle through the temperature range.
to select °f or °C:
The unit must be off first,
then push and hold the down button,
while holding the down button,
push the Power button on,
wait for 30 seconds, to see the display change.
the °F/°C will activate to display °C
or deactivate to display °F.