Safety warnings and precautions, For your safety – Fulton Electric (FB-L) Steam Boiler User Manual
Page 8

Safety Warnings and Precautions
This manual is provided as a guide to the correct operation and
maintenance of your Fulton Electric Steam Boiler, and should be
permanently available to the staff responsible for the operation of
the electric boiler.
These instructions must not be considered as a complete code of
practice, nor should they replace existing codes or standards which
may be applicable.
The requirements and instructions contained in this section
generally relate to the standard Fulton Electric Steam Boiler. When
installing a packaged unit, this entire section should be read to
ensure that the in stallation work is carried out correctly.
Prior to shipment the following tests were made to assure the
customer the highest standards of manufacturing:
Material inspections.
Manufacturing process inspections.
ASME welding inspections.
ASME hydrostatic test inspection.
Electrical components inspection.
Operating test. (panel powered up)
Final Engineering Inspection
Crating inspection.
All units are crated for fork lift transport. Once uncrated, all units can
be transported with a forklift. Under no circumstances should weight
be allowed to bear on the jacket, control panel, or fan housing of any
Fulton Boiler.
Rigging your boiler into position should be handled by a competent
rigger experienced in handling heavy equipment.
The installation of the Fulton Electric Steam Boiler should be
carried out by competent personnel in accordance with all
relevant safety regulations. A complete list of all safety
precautions may be found in the safety summary at the
conclusion of Section 1. It is the responsibility of the installer
to ensure that the installation is in compliance with these
If it is necessary to store the boiler for a prolonged period of
time prior to installation, the boiler should be stored at a
minimum 40 degree F in an atmosphere in which excessive
moisture cannot damage the controls or the steel casing. If the
storage is to be over sixty days, one element should be
removed. Place several bags of dry dessicant inside the boiler.
Bolt a blank flange over the element mounting plate to seal the
boiler. If handholes are provided, these can be used to provide
an opening versus an element to place the dessicant.
For Your Safety
The following WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, and NOTES appear in various sections of this manual.
They are repeated on these safety summary pages as an example and for emphasis.
WARNINGS must be observed to prevent serious injury, or death to personnel.
CAUTIONS must be observed to prevent damage or destruction of equipment or loss of operating effectiveness.
NOTES must be observed for essential and effective operating procedures, conditions, and as a statement to be highlighted.
It is the responsibility and duty of all personnel involved in the operating and maintenance of this equipment to fully understand the
WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, and NOTES by which hazards are to be eliminated or reduced. Personnel must become familiar with all aspects
of safety and equipment prior to operation or maintenance of the equipment.
Improper installation or maintenance of gauge glass and
connections can cause immediate or delayed breakage
resulting in bodily injury and/or property damage.
When stopping the boiler for any extensive repairs, shut off
main power switch and pull main disconnect switches on both
the boiler side as well as the feed water side.
Prior to the commencement of any work requiring the removal
of cover plates and the opening of the control panel box, the
electrical supply to the boiler must be disconnected.
Prior to powering the boiler up, all electrical contacts shall be
re-torqued to the individial components manufacturers
Do not downsize piping below safety valve size.
Unless otherwise specified, the steam safety valve supplied
with the boiler is pre-set. This valve is provided as a safety
device for the boiler and should not be used as the sole
protection for other equipment using steam from the boiler. Do
not tamper with the setting (It could accidentally be set at a
pressure higher than the design pressure of the boiler and,
therefore ,create a hazardous condition.
Do not exceed pressure rating on boiler.
In general, ensure that the boiler area is in conformance with
established boiler room requirements. Review national and
local codes.
Electric IOM