Installation, Feed water blowoff piping, Blow off valve – Fulton Electric (FB-L) Steam Boiler User Manual
Page 17: Main steam valve
Electric IOM
Feed Water Blowoff
Connect the feed water stop valve to the
opening over the blow- off at the rear of the
boiler and pipe it to the return system. If the
city water pressure exceeds 40 lbs., a
pressure reducing valve should be installed
ahead of the return tank.
Where a condensate return tank is to be
fitted, this should:
1. Be vented and
2. Have a capacity sufficient to satisfy
boiler consumption as well as
maintain proper return tank
3. Vent pipe should not be down-sized
(This may cause pressure build up in
the condensate tank.
Blow Off Valve
There are three blow off valves on the
boiler; the 2 main valves at the rear of the
boiler and the water gauge glass blow off
valve. The 2 boiler blow off valves supplied
with the boiler should be screwed to the
blow off pipe at the rear of the boiler and
connected to a blow off receptacle of
approved design piping. All these
procedures should be done in
accordance with state and/or local
The water gauge blow off valve should
be connected to the main blow off line.
Care should be taken to ensure that the
blow off receptacle used meets the
regulations covering such vessels. If in
doubt consult a Fulton Representative
for advice.
Main Steam Valve
Insert the main steam valve in the steam
supply line as close as possible to the boiler
and prior to any of the steam using
equipment, ensuring correct steam traps
are used.
Steam Safety Valve
1. Before installing, be sure that all steam
pip es and connections have been blown
clean; pipe compound or dope is used
on external threads only; and inlet of
valve is free of any foreign material.
2. When making installation, use proper
type and size wrench .
3. The valve should be installed in a vertical
upright position in the connection
provided with no unnecessary
intervening pipe or lining. Under no
circumstances should there be a shut off
valve or restriction of any kind between
the safety valve and the boiler
connection provided.
4. Do not cap or plug drain hole in the side
of valve body.
5. Since the purpose of this safety valve is
to protect against an overpressure
situation, it will loudly discharge hot
steam in doing so. Therefore, it is
recommended that a discharge pipe be
securely installed and run to a safe point
of disposal.
6. When a discharge pipe is used, it must
be of a pipe size equal to or greater than
that of the valve outlet. Use schedule 40
discharge pipe only. Do not use
schedule 80, extra strong or double
extra strong discharge pipe or
connections. It must be as short and
straight as possible and so arranged as
to avoid undue stress on the valve. It
must have an ample provision for
draining condensate at or near the valve
outlet. It must terminate freely to
atmosphere with no intervening valve of
any description and it must be securely
anchored and supported.
Do not downsize piping below safety
valve size.
Unless otherwise specified, the steam
safety valve supplied with the boiler is
pre-set. This valve is provided as a
safety device for the boiler and should
not be used as the sole protection for
other equipment using steam from the
boiler. Do not tamper with the setting (It
could accidentally be set at a pressure
higher than the design pressure of the
boiler, and therefore create a hazardous