Maintenance, Troubleshooting – Fulton Electric (FB-L) Steam Boiler User Manual
Page 31

This troubleshooting guide will assist in the diagnosis and correction of minor field problems. It should be used in conjunction with the unit
wiring diagram. In any case requiring additional assistance, contact your local authorized Fulton Representative.
Control Circuit Failure
A. Fuse
If a break is detected, shut off power and remove fuse.
Replace with a new fuse of same voltage and amps. Turn
power on.
B. Voltage
Trace wiring diagram through each component to verify
power in each stage. If voltage is not detected at any point,
replace component and continue test until circuits test clear.
C. Control Switch
Check all wires from switch terminals for looseness or
corrosion. Replace if either is evident. Next check for
proper make and break of switch.
D. Low Water Safety Relay
Verify that boiler has water. Check to verify power on
terminal #1. If power is present, check to verify power on
terminal #10. If power is not present, press the low water
reset button to reset relay. If relay does not reset, inspect
terminals for loose connections. Inspect probe connection.
E. Corrosion of Probes
Check all wires to verify proper wiring to each probe. If a
wire is suspected to be in the wrong place, shut off power
and check wire with a continuity light. Check probes. If
probes are dirty, clean with very fine emory paper and
F. Staging Controller
Verify timing and stage selection on DIP switches.
Pump Circuit Failure
A. Fuse
If a break is detected, shut off power and remove fuse.
Replace with a new fuse of same voltage and amps. Turn
power on.
B. Corrosion of Probes
To verify proper wiring to each probe. If a wire is suspected
to be in the wrong place, shut off power and check wire
with a continuity light. Check probes. If probes are
dirty,clean with veryfine emory paper and replace.
C. Wiring Connections
With power off, check continuity of circuit through each
point in the circuit. If a break in the circuit is found, repair.
After repair, recheck with continuity light with power off.
Turn power on and check with an amp meter.
D. Motor Starter Relay
Check power supply to coil on motor starter.coil is being
powered, check if contactors are being engaged
completely. If coil and contactors are engaging, check
power in and out on the control circuits. If contactor is
chattering, clean contacts. If motor starter relay is weak or
bad, replace.
Primary Voltage Circuit
A. Fuse
If a break is detected, shut off power and remove fuse.
Replace with a new fuse of the same voltage and amps.
Turn power on.
B. Voltage
Trace wiring diagram through each component to verify
power in each stage. If voltage is not detected at any point,
replace component and continue test until circuits test
Electric IOM