Asante Technologies FR1000 User Manual
Page 54

Asanté FriendlyNET Internet Router with Firewall
4. You’ll see an MS-DOS dialog box,
that shows the ping activity. If you
see the error message, “Request
timed out.”, then there is no logical
connection from your computer to
the router.
B.3 Using Macintosh WhatRoute
Most versions of Mac OS do not include a ping utility. You may want to use the
WhatRoute utility, included on the Asanté FR1000 Series CD-ROM, to ping your
network devices.
To use WhatRouter:
1. Install
WhatRoute program from the CD-ROM.
2. Double-click
WhatRoute icon to launch the program.
3. In the main window, select ping from the menu.
4. Enter the address of the router ( in the Host: field.
5. Click
ping to begin the test. If the request “times out,” then there is no logi-
cal connection from your computer to the router.
B.4 Verifying Ethernet Cables
Ethernet network cables are used to connect all network devices, including com-
puters and cable/DSL modems to the router. Faulty network cables, especially
those that are “homemade” have been know to cause intermittent problems that
may be difficult to troubleshoot.
To verify your network cable, check:
1. All your cables are rated Category 5 (or CAT 5) or better. This standard
of cable is recommended for 10BaseT Ethernet networks and is required for
100BaseTX Fast Ethernet networks. If you cannot locate printing or other
markings on the cable indicating that it is Category 5, then replace the ca-