Chapter 1. getting st, Chapter 1. getting st arted arted – Pach and Company AeGIS 4000RTP Manual User Manual
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1.1 Introduction
Pach & Company thanks and congratulates you on the purchase of your AeGIS 400RTP Series Telephone Access Control
This manual is designed to guide you through the proper programming and use of the AeGIS 400RTP Series. It is important
for you to read and follow the manual completely.
The AeGIS 400RTP Series comes with two years warranty, See section 1.4 for more detail.
1.2 System Descriptions
The AeGIS 400RTP Series utilizes microprocessor technology to provide security as well as convenience to you. It is
designed for
residential applications or any location where access control is required. It utilizes “no phone bill” technology, where a
dedicated telephone line is not necessary. Authorization for access control is through the telephone line, or with the tenant’s
own access code, which is entered on the system keypad. The premise MUST have a telephone device (telephone set) to
allow remote visitor access.
Also, as a standard feature, a tenant is allowed to forward calls automatically or manually, “call” the Aegis unit and converse
with the visitor and “remote programming” using a touch-tone phone. It has two on board relay to control two doors
The system parameters and tenants database can be entered locally via the unit’s keypad or remotely via a touch-tone
EEPROM technology is used for the AeGIS 400RTP series. Tenants database will not be lost during a power failure.
1.3 System Applications
The AeGIS 400RTP Series can be installed for various types of applications to suit your needs. The system can operate two
doors or gates or combination of door and gate independently. Multi purposes Auxiliary Input can be used to connect a
seven days timer, free exit switch, remote control receiver, etc. The system is designed to be installed outdoor or indoor. If
you need more information about your applications, you may call us at 1 (888) 678-7224 from 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM Pacific
Standard Time.
1.4 System Specifications
Standard features:
No Phone Bill Technology.
Program and store personal access codes.
Unlock door or gate locally or remotely by tenant.
Unlock door or gate by the tenant using private access code.
Built-in Auxiliary input
Remote Phone Programming.
Works behind a PBX to dial an extension (analog only).
Programmable features:
• Lock-out Count
• Manual Unlock and Lock
• 4 Digit Unit master Code
• Open Interval
Pach and Company
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Chapter 1. Getting Started