Maintenance and care – Minuteman E28_E30_E33 (7062.12_.15_.18) User Manual

Page 29

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Maintenance and Care


Charge Batteries

Use the integrated battery charger (Fig.
7/3) to charge batteries. Proceed to
connection of the charger by means of
the mains cable (Fig. 7/4) with safety
plug. Charging batteries is recommen-
ded if at least one bar of the LDS dis-
play has extinguished after operation of
the machine. On this behalf you are re-
quested to observe the operating in-
structions of the charger 88-60-2723 as
well as the operating instructions of the
battery manufacturer. In case it is inten-
ded to change the type of battery the
charger has to be adjusted only by Mi-
nuteman contract workshops.

Charge the batteries properly
before starting the machine for
the first time. Minuteman
cannot be held liable for batte-
ry damage resulting from failu-
re to initially charge batteries.

Provide for sufficient ventilati-
on of areas where batteries are
charged. – Explosion hazard!


Low Discharge Signal sender

The machine has been equipped with a
charge indicator to preclude the batte-
ries from low discharge. This low di-
scharge signal sender has been
integrated into the electronics. If other
batteries are used, readjustment of the
low discharge signal sender is required.

Only Minuteman contract
workshops are authorized to
adjust the low discharge signal


Maintenance of Drive Batte-

Refer to operating instructions 88-60-
2556 for information on care of drive


Remove Batteries

1. Park machine on level ground.
2. Switch off machine by key switch.
3. Open empty recovery tank (Fig. 7/7)

and secure by support (Fig. 7/8).

4. Disconnect battery connector (Fig. 7/


5. Disconnect battery connection ca-


6. Remove batteries.

5.4.5 Install Batteries

Due to alteration of the center
of gravity, only use batteries as
released and at the prescribed
position only.

1. Switch off machine by key switch.
2. Open empty recovery tank (Fig. 7/7)

and secure by support (Fig. 7/8).

3. Place batteries into trough according

to figure.

4. Connect battery poles and enclosed

connecting cables according to wi-
ring diagram (Fig. 7/9). Provide for
tight fitting and grease poles.

5.4.6 Disposal of Batteries
Used batteries labelled by the recycling
sign contain re-usable substances.
Such batteries must not be added to
normal household waste. Obtain local
information for the proper disposal of
used batteries.