Mallory Ignition ACCEL DFI Dual Sync Distributor 77100 User Manual
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3. Remove the distributor being replaced from the engine.
4. Install the Dual Sync distributor making sure that it seats properly and the rotor is pointing at #1 position: attach the Dual
Sync Distributor adapter wire harness (part # 77101) to the DFI Gen 7 main wire harness and to the Dual Sync distributor,
ensuring that the ground leads are connected to an appropriate grounding point on the engine.
5. Turn the ignition to the Key-On, Engine-Off position, and launch the DFI CalMap Engine Management Software program.
6. Select the “Online to ECM” data source, and go to the Engine Configuration screen by pressing the CTRL-S key combination,
or selecting the System menu item from the Configuration menu.
7. From the Injection Type drop-down list, select Sequential then press the F10 key on your keyboard.
8. If you are running CalMap version 3.0 or higher, from the Ignition Type drop-down list, select Dual Sync Distributor or
Hall Effect equivalent, then press F10 and skip to step 15. If you are running CalMap version 2.0 or lower, complete
steps 9-14.
9. Change the Crank Trigger Edge switch to the Falling position and press F10.
10. Change the Cam Trigger Edge switch to Falling and press F10.
11. Change the Output Trigger Edge switch to Rising, and press F10.
12. Change the Crank Signal Input Type to Hall Effect and press F10.
13. Change the Cam Signal Input Type to Hall Effect and press F10.
14. Change the Output Signal Type to Sync Points, and press F10.
15. Verify that the Fuel Injector Firing Order is set to the desired firing order, and press F10.
16. If no error messages were observed, exit the CalMap program using the File>Exit menu command, by pressing the
CTRL-X key combination, or by clicking on the Gen 7 DFI icon on the lower right portion of the screen. If any error messages
were present, repeat steps 6-15.
17. Position yourself so that you can see both the Red (Crank) and Blue (Cam) LED’s in the Dual Sync Distributor. Verify that
the ignition is still in the Key-On, Engine-Off position.
18. Rotate the distributor housing opposite the rotor rotation (Chevy: Rotate housing counterclockwise) or opposite direction
as when the engine is turning the rotor. (Either clockwise or counterclockwise). Continue rotating until the blue LED
shuts off completely. This indicates the falling edge of the cam trigger position.
19A. If red light is still on, continue to slowly rotate the distributor housing until the red LED shuts off, comes on again then
shuts off (Stop). This indicates the falling edge of the crank trigger position #1. Stop at this point.
19B. If red light was off after blue light shut off, slowly rotate the distributor housing until the red LED comes on and shuts off
(Stop). This indicates the falling edge of the crank trigger position. Stop at this point. Your distributor is now set to Top
Dead Center of cylinder #1
20. Taking care not to rotate the distributor housing, verify that the crank LED (red) is not lit, and tighten the distributor. If the
red LED is lit, repeat steps 17-20.
21. Turn the ignition key to the Off position. The key must remain in the Off position for at least 30 seconds for the programming
changes to be implemented by the ECM.