Mallory Ignition Mallory OFF-ROAD ELECTRONIC IGNITION CONTROL 6867M User Manual
Page 3
Wire Length
All of the extension harness wires of the
Ignition Control may be shortened as long
as quality connectors are used or soldered in
place. To lengthen the wires, use one size
larger gauge wire (12 gauge for power leads,
16 gauge for all others). Use the proper
connectors to terminate all wires. All
connections must be soldered and sealed.
A poor ground connection can cause many
frustrating problems. When a wire is
specified to go to ground, connect it to the
chassis. Always connect a ground strap
between the engine and chassis. Connect
any ground wires to a clean, paint-free
metal surface.
Ballast Resistor
If your vehicle has a ballast resistor in line
with the coil wiring, it is not necessary
to bypass it. This is because the Ignition
Control receives its main power directly
from the battery.
Power Leads – 2 Pin Weatherproof
The two heavy gauge wires (14 gauge) that
deliver battery voltage to the ignition:
Heavy Red
Connects directly to the battery
positive (+) terminal or to a positive
battery junction. It could also be
connected to the positive side of the
starter solenoid.
NOTE: Never
connect this wire to the alternator.
Heavy Black Connects to frame or chassis ground.
Trigger and Coil Leads – 4 Pin
Weatherproof Connector
Connects to a switched 12 volt source,
such as the ignition key.
Connects to the positive (+) terminal of the
NOTE: This is the only wire that makes
electrical contact with the coil positive
(+) terminal.
Connects to the negative (–) terminal of the
NOTE: This is the only wire that makes
electrical contact with the coil negative
(–) terminal.
Connects to points, electronic ignition
amplifier output or to the green wire of a
Mallory timing accessory. When this wire is
used, the magnetic pickup connector is not
Additional Individual Wires:
Yellow Connects to the tachometer.
Trigger Wires
Either of two circuits will trigger the Ignition
Control: a points circuit (green wire) or a
magnetic pickup circuit (violet and green
NOTE: The two circuits must never be
used together.
Black/Green These wires are routed together in
one harness to form the magnetic
pickup connector. The connector
plugs directly into a Mallory distributor
or crank trigger. It will also connect
to factory magnetic pickups or other
aftermarket pickups. The green wire
is positive (+) and the black is
negative (–). When these wires
are used, the white wire is not
used. Consult the chart that shows
the polarity of other common
magnetic pickups.