Mallory Ignition Mallory OFF-ROAD ELECTRONIC IGNITION CONTROL 6867m_6866m User Manual
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Spark Plug Wires
High quality, spiral wound wire and proper
routing are essential to the operation of the
Ignition C o n t rol. This type of wire provides a
good path for the spark to follow while
minimizing electromagnetic interference
NOTE: Do not use solid core spark plug
wires with the Ignition Control.
Wires should be routed away from sharp
edges, moving objects, and heat sources.
Wires that are next to each other in the
engine’s firing order should be separated.
For example, in a Chevy V8 with a firing ord e r
of 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2, the #5 and #7 cylinders
are positioned next to each other on the
engine as well as in the firing order. Voltage
from the #5 wire could jump to the #7 wire .
This could cause detonation and engine
damage. For added protection against
c ro s s - f i re , Mallory offers PRO SHIELD
insulated sleeving. Pro Shield is a glass
woven, silicone coated protective sleeve
that slides over your plug wires. It also
helps reduce damage from heat and
sharp objects.
The HyFire OFF-ROAD is completely
encapsulated to eliminate moisture intrusion
and to protect the ignition from vibration
and impact. The rotary switches are
moisture-resistant also. During installation,
no further consideration needs to be taken
except to mount the ignition away from heat
sources as discussed later in these
To avoid any damage to the Ignition Control
when welding on the vehicle, disconnect the
positive (red) and negative (black) power
cables of the Ignition Control. It is also a
good idea to disconnect the tachometer
g round wire as well.
Distributor Cap and Rotor
We recommend installing a new distributor
cap and rotor when installing the Ignition
Control. Be sure the cap is clean inside and
out, especially the terminals and rotor tip.
On vehicles with smaller caps, it is possible
for the air inside the cap to become electri-
cally charged causing crossfire which can
result in misfire. You can prevent this by
drilling a couple of vent holes in the cap.
Drill the holes between terminals at rotor
height, facing away from the intake. If needed,
place a small piece of screen over the holes
to act as a filter.
OFF-ROAD Diagnostic LED
On the end panel of your ignition there is a
small hole. Behind this hole is a red LED
indicator. This serves two purposes: when
you first turn on the ignition switch, the LED
will flash rapidly 3 times. This indicates that
the ignition system has power, and that the
m i c ro p rocessor is running pro p e r l y. In addition,
the LED will flash when receiving a proper
trigger signal from the vehicle. If, after a
normal power-up, the LED doesn’t flash
when cranking the engine, you should check
your triggering circuit for pro b l e m s . If the LED
flashes when the engine is cranked, but
there is still no spark, the problem lies
somewhere else.
The Ignition Control can be mounted in
any position. If you mount it in the engine
compartment, keep it away from moisture,
moving objects and heat sources. Do not
mount the unit in an enclosed area, such as
the glove box. When you find a suitable
location to mount the unit, make sure all
w i res of the ignition reach their connections.
Hold the ignition in place and mark the
location of the mounting holes. Use a 1/8"
drill bit to drill the holes. Use the supplied
self-tapping screws to mount the box.
Mounting it horizontally or with the wiring
down is preferred.