Mallory Ignition Mallory CT Pro Ignition Products 6800m User Manual

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The overall height from the bottom of the plate bolts to the top of the front ignition box is 3.75” tall.
Special attention should be paid so the corner of the front ignition box does not hit the window of
the car.

Each ignition box has a 2-position male weather pack connector for the power and ground wires as well as
a 6-position female weather pack connector for the remainder of the wires. Each coil has a 2-position
female weather pack connector. All connectors exit the tray towards the center of the dash. The tray has a
.25” grounding stud on the left side when looking at the top of the tray. We recommend running a ground
strap from the roll bar to the .25” stud to eliminate the possibility of electrical interference.

The part numbers listed below are for the MATING harnesses (i.e. the vehicle harnesses) that the racecar
will need to mate up to the Mallory CT Pro ignition system.

Main 6-Pin Ignition Box Connector (2 sets required):
Shell - Delphi P/N 12020926
Pins (6 per shell) - Delphi P/N 12124580

Connector position, wire color and function:
A - Red - Ignition power
B - Brown - Tach signal
C - Black - Coil "-"
D - Orange - Coil "+"
E - Green - Mag P/U "-"
F - Purple - Mag P/U "+"

Coil Jumper Connector (2 sets required):
Shell - Delphi P/N 12015792
Pins (2 per shell) - Delphi P/N 12124580

Connector position, wire color and function:
A - Black - Coil "-"
B - Orange - Coil "+"

Main Battery Power (2 sets required):
Shell - Delphi P/N 12010973
Pins - Delphi P/N 12124582

Connector position, wire color and function:
A - Red - Main battery power
B - Black - Main Ground
NOTE: The pin "gender" is opposite what would normally be used in Weatherpack assemblies to prevent a
battery power harness from being plugged into a coil harness.

Distributor Wiring
Mallory CT Pro Ignition Boxes were designed to accept one magnetic pickup per ignition box. We
recommend using a dual pickup distributor with each pickup going directly to one ignition box. Paralleling
one magnetic pickup per two CT Pro ignition boxes could result in extremely retarding ignition timing.

If you are using a dual pickup distributor and have a switch to select between each distributor pickup, make
sure it is not wired to parallel one pickup per two ignition boxes.