Mallory Ignition Mallory DUAL SYNC DISTRIBUTOR 77_Series User Manual
Dual sync distributor, Installation instructions

FORM 1540
1. Verify which direction the rotor / distributor shaft turns when the
engine is cranking (either clockwise, or counter-clockwise).
2. Rotate the engine to Top Dead Center of cylinder #1. If replacing
another distributor, verify that the rotor is now pointing at the
sparkplug wire for cylinder #1.
3. Remove the distributor being replaced from the engine.
4. Before installing the Dual Sync distributor, attach the Dual Sync
Distributor adapter wire harness (part# 77101) to the DFI Gen 7 main
wire harness, ensuring that the ground leads are connected to an
appropriate grounding point on the engine.
5. Turn the ignition to the Key-On, Engine-Off position, and launch the
DFI CalMap Engine Management Software program.
6. Select the “Online to ECM” data source, and go to the Engine
Configuration screen by pressing the CTRL-S key combination, or
selecting the System menu item from the Configuration menu.
7. From the Injection Type drop-down list, select Sequential then
press the F10 key on your keyboard.
8. If you are running CalMap version 3.0 or higher, from the Ignition
Type drop-down list, select Dual Sync Distributor or Hall Effect
equivalent, then press F10 and skip to step 15. If you are running
CalMap version 2.0 or lower, complete steps 9 – 14.
9. Change the Crank Trigger Edge switch to the Falling position and
press F10.
10. Change the Cam Trigger Edge switch to Falling and press F10.
11. Change the Output Trigger Edge switch to Rising, and press F10.
12. Change the Crank Signal Input Type to Hall Effect and press F10.
13. Change the Cam Signal Input Type to Hall Effect and press F10.
14. Change the Output Signal Type to Sink, Points, and press F10.
15. Verify that the Fuel Injector Firing Order is set to the desired firing
order, and press F10.
16. If no error messages were observed, exit the CalMap program
using the File->Exit menu command, by pressing the CTRL-X key
combination, or by clicking on the Gen 7 DFI icon on the lower right
portion of the screen. If any error messages were present, repeat
steps 6-15.
17. Position the Dual Sync Distributor so that you can see both the Red
(Crank) and Blue (Cam) LEDs. Verify that the ignition is still in the
Key-On, Engine-Off position.
18. Rotate the distributor shaft / rotor in the same direction as when
the engine is running (either clockwise or counterclockwise).
Continue rotating until the blue LED shuts off completely. This
indicates the falling edge of the cam trigger position.
19. Continue to slowly rotate the distributor shaft / rotor until the red
LED shuts off completely. This indicates the falling edge of the
crank trigger position. Stop at this point. Taking care not to rotate
the distributor housing or shaft, make a mark inside the distributor
housing where the rotor tip is pointing. Your distributor is now set to
Top Dead Center of cylinder #1.
20. Install the distributor in your engine and position the distributor
housing so the mark inside the distributor housing made in step 19
lines up with the rotor tip. It may be necessary to use a screwdriver
or socket wrench to rotate the oil pump drive shaft slightly to
properly seat the distributor. Do not rotate the engine.
21. Verify that neither of the cam or crank LEDs are lit and tighten
the distributor. If either LED is lit, repeat steps 17-20 until neither
LED is lit.
22. Turn the ignition key to the Off position. The key must remain in the
Off position for at least 30 seconds for the programming changes
to be implemented by the ECM.
23. Rotate the engine backward to 25-35 degrees BTDC. Make a
small mark on the outside of the distributor housing where the
rotor tip is pointing.
24. Install the distributor cap, and locate the spark plug terminal that is
closest to the mark on the outside of the distributor housing made
in step 23. This is the terminal for cylinder #1. Mark the distributor
cap to indicate the location of the #1 spark plug wire.
25. Remove the distributor cap, loosen the two 5/64” Allen-head
screws slightly and adjust the rotor so it is pointed at the center of
the terminal for cylinder #1. Tighten the two Allen-head screws to
re-secure the rotor.
26. Install the distributor cap and spark plug wires. Double check that
the spark plug wires match the firing order previously set in the
27. Start the engine. Using a timing light, verify that the timing reading
on the harmonic balancer is the same as the timing reading in
CalMap. We recommend forcing the timing in CalMap to 10–20
degrees while verifying readings. If the readings are different,
loosen the distributor and rotate the distributor housing until the
timing readings on the harmonic balancer are the same as the
timing reading in CalMap. Tighten the distributor.
28. Your Dual Sync Distributor is now correctly mounted, phased, and
ready to run Sequential Fuel Injection.
If you encounter problems, or if you need further technical assistance
please call our DFI technical service line at (248) 380-2780.