Mallory Ignition Mallory MAGNETIC BREAKERLESS DISTRIBUTOR 609 User Manual
Magnetic breakerless distributor, Installation instructions

This product is applicable to pre-1966 California and pre-1968 federally certified passenger cars. It is also applicable to
non-emission controlled trucks and similar vehicles. It is not applicable or intended for use on any emission controlled vehicles
operated on highways or roads, unless otherwise noted.
IMPORTANT: Before installing the Magnetic Breakerless Ignition System, make sure that the vehicle is equipped with an
ignition ballast resistor (or loom resistance wire) in the wire between the ignition switch and the coil (+) terminal. Check a
service manual for your vehicle to locate the ignition ballast resistor (or loom resistance wire). If your vehicle is not equipped
with an ignition ballast resistor, install a Mallory Ignition Ballast Resistor Part No. 700 in the wire between the ignition switch
and the coil (+) terminal. Failure to use an ignition ballast resistor will result in the eventual destruction of the Ignition Module.
Exception: If your vehicle is equipped with a HYFIRE® Electronic Ignition Control or similar aftermarket ignition control, use the
wiring procedures as stated in the instructions for the ignition control.
WARNING: Mallory’s Magnetic Breakerless Ignition System is not compatible with positive ground or
6-volt vehicle electrical systems.
Advance Curve:
Most Magnetic Breakerless Distributors with part numbers that
end in 01 have 24˚ (crankshaft degrees) of mechanical advance
(between 3,000 and 3,200 RPM). Listed below are exceptions:
20 AT 3,000 RPM
16 AT 3,600 RPM
Ignition Coils:
The Magnetic Breakerless Ignition system is designed to
work with most stock ignition coils and aftermarket high
performance ignition coils. For optimum performance in
applications without a Mallory HyFire or comparable igni-
tion, use a Mallory coil 29219, 29450 or 30450.
Spark Plug Gaps:
For street applications, use your engine
manufacturers specifications. For racing applications, start
with your engine manufacturers specifications, then experi-
ment with and closely monitor various gaps to achieve
maximum performance.
Electric Welding:
Unplug the distributor wire harness before welding on the
Spark Plug Wires:
YOU MUST USE suppression type (carbon core;
spiral core; radio suppression core) spark plug wire. We
recommend spiral core ignition wire, such as Mallory PRO
SIDEWINDER® Ignition Wire. Suppression type spark plug
wires prevent false triggering and the possibility of
premature ignition or accessory failures. DO NOT USE
solid core (copper core; stainless steel core) spark plug
wire with any electronic ignition system or accessory.
Solid core spark plug wire causes radio frequency interference
(ignition noise; static). Radio frequency interference causes
false triggering (preignition; spark scatter) and premature
ignition or accessory failures.
FORM 1185 (Rev. A) 05/13
CAUTION: Leaving the key on without the engine running will result
in damaging the Ignition Module and the coil. If you must have the
key on, unplug the distributor at the white connector first.
Step 1
Disconnect the trigger wire from the coil (ñ) terminal.
Step 2
Locate the spark plug wire on the original distributor cap that
the engine timing is set from. See a service manual for these
locations. Mark the distributor cap and the
distributor housing, in line with this spark plug wire position on
the distributor cap.
Step 3
Turn the engine crankshaft in the direction of rotation until
the timing mark lines up with the top dead center (TDC)
mark on the timing tab. See a service manual for these
NOTE: Removing the spark plugs may make it easier to turn the
Step 4
Remove the distributor cap from the distributor. Do not
remove the spark plug wires or coil wire at this time. The
rotor blade should point to the mark made on the distributor
housing (from Step 2). If it is not, turn the engine crankshaft
in the direction of rotation one full turn (repeating Step 3)
until the timing mark lines up (again) with the TDC mark on
the timing tab.
NOTE: Once you are finished with Step 4, DO NOT turn the crank-
shaft until the new distributor is installed.
Step 5
Note the direction the rotor is pointing. If you are replacing
a vacuum advance distributor, note the direction the
vacuum chamber is pointing. Remove the distributor hold
down clamp and remove the distributor from the engine.
Parts Included in this kit
1 Magnetic Breakerless Distributor
1 Distributor Wire Harness