Lakewood bellhousing alignment procedure – Mallory Ignition Lakewood Safety Bellhousing 15100/15120 User Manual
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1. Remove clutch assembly from flywheel and install
bellhousing on engine block. (It is easier when yo u
l e ave the clutch assembly off the flywheel.)
2. Install dial indicator base on the flywheel and adjust
plunger to contact the register bore of the housing.
(See photo.)
3 . Rotate the flywheel and note indicator reading.
Misalignment is one-half of the indicator reading
( m a x i mu m allowable is .005”).
4. To correct off-center condition, select the offset
dowel pin pair that is closest to one-half of the
indicator reading. ( i . e., if reading is .016”,
1/2R=.008” use .007” dowels. If reading is .024”,
1/2R=.012” use .014” dowels).
5. Remove stock dowel pins by driving from back side
or pulling with gripper pliers.
6. Clean engine block dowel holes and coat lightly with
7. L u b ricate dowel pins and install in bl o ck . The slot in the
d owel pins indicates the direction of maximum offset. T h ey
should be installed parallel to one another, and in pairs
(both .007” or both .014” and .021”).
8. Install and tighten bellhousing securely. R e m o u n t
the dial indicator and recheck the register bore runout
(Repeat step 3).
9. To make small corrections or adjustments to the
alignment, you will need to remove the bellhousing
and dri ve the offset dowels out of the bl o ck .
Reposition the dowels using the slot as a reference
point and re-install. Re-check register bore run-out.
Repeat this procedure until the register bore is
within limits.
NOTE: Always be careful when removing bellhousing
from engine block so that offset dowel pins
do not move or change position.
Size Dowel
Total Indicator
To Be
Offset Dowel
Part Number
.012” to .020”
.006” to .010”
.022” to .034”
.011” to .017”
.036” to .052”
.018” to .026”
Designed for use on race cars that are frequently dis-assembled, this
kit eliminates the need to “ d i a l - i n ” the bellhousing after each remova l .
For Ford or Mopar vehicles with .500” d owel holes use #15980. Fo r
GM vehicles with .622” d owel holes use #15981.Welding is required.
Clean paint inside bore.
Alignment Procedure
Due to manufacturers’ machining tolerances of engine blocks in relationship to dowel pin
location, it is quite possible for the crankshaft centerline and bellhousing bore to be misaligned. With the
transmission installed in a misaligned condition, several problems can occur, such as pilot bearing and main shaft
bearing wear, difficulty in shifting, and in extreme cases breakage of transmission gears and cases. While most
housings will fall within the allowable limits, it is good insurance to check for register bore runout whenever any
housing or engine block is installed. Most factory service manuals will outline the checking pro c e d u re, but will not
give correctional measures necessary to ensure tro u b l e - f ree standard transmission operation, short of trial and
error with switching of various O.E. housings.
O ffset dowel pins are available from Lakewood Industries to ensure correct adapter housing installation. For checking,
you will need a dial indicator (preferably with a magnetic base), a few simple tools and close attention to detail
to give you accurate installation results.