Ra – 122 rack mount architectural dimmer – Lightronics RA122 User Manual

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Revision 0.93



Lightronics Inc.

509 Central Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23454

Tel 757 486 3588


The RA-122 can store 100 preset scenes which may
be activated by smart remotes. See the section
"Creating and Editing Scenes" for info about
programming the scenes. These scenes are grouped
according to which type of smart remote can access
them. Scenes 1 - 48 are reserved for push button and
IR remotes. Scenes 51 - 86 are used with fader
remotes. If multiple RA-122 units are connected to a
smart remote then each RA-122 will activate its own
corresponding scene.

Both push button and fader remotes may be connected
on the same smart remote bus.


These remotes activate individual scenes within a
block of scenes which have been stored in the RA-122
on an "exclusive" basis. In other words only one scene
may be on at a time. Currently available remotes are
the AC-1009, AC-2016 and AI-1001.

You can select which block of scenes will be activated
by the remote. This is done by DIP switches on the
back of the remote. For instance, an AC-1009 can be
set to control scenes 1 - 8 , scenes 9-16, or other
blocks of 8 consecutive scenes. There are a total of 6
scene blocks available covering scenes 1 thru 48.

The scene activation buttons will toggle. In other
words a scene will go OFF if you push its button
while the scene is active.

The OFF button invokes a BLACKOUT for all scenes
associated with that remotes scene block. Refer to the
smart remote owner manual for specific info on scene
addressing. Multiple remotes of this type may be but
are not required to be set to the same block of scenes.


These remotes activate specific individual scenes
which have been stored in the RA-122 on a "pile on"
basis. In other words multiple scenes will merge
together in a "greatest of " fashion. This means that
the intensity of any given channel will go to the
highest level of all the scenes which use it. Currently
available fader remotes are the AF-2004, AF-3007
and AF-5013.

Fader remotes are scene block addressable so you can
select which scenes it activate. There are 3 scene
blocks available. Each block includes 16 scenes. The
first block starts at scene 51. This refers to the lowest
numbered fader on the remote. The other faders on
that remote will use the next consecutively numbered
scenes (52, 53, 54, etc.). The 2nd and 3rd scene
blocks begin at scene 67 and 83 respectively.

Multiple remotes of this type may be but are not
required to be set to the same block of scenes. Refer
to the smart remote owner manual for specific info on
setting scene block addressing.


Scenes 1 - 7 (stored in the RA-122) may be accessed
by simple remotes. A BLACKOUT FUNCTION may
also be accessed. A simple remote is any switch
which provides a momentary contact closure that can
be applied to a specific pin on the RA-122 Control
Signals Connector (DB25 connector). Lightronics
currently offers a APP01 simple remote. This is a
"center off , single pole, double throw, momentary
toggle switch". It can be used as an entrance switch to
activate a scene when someone enters an area.

Alternative devices such as relays, timers, and motion
sensors can be used with RA-122s as simple remotes.
They are available from various manufacturers.

Operation of a simple remote is dependent upon the
device used. In the case of the Lightronics APP01 it is
a simple matter of pushing the switch.


Valid DMX indication

9 10 11 12

Channel Intensity Bar Graph

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8