Alto-Shaam ECOSMART HFT2SYS-400 User Manual

Page 13

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Halo Heat


hot wells maintain a constant

and gentle temperature. Adding water is not

recommended since water will accelerate the

deterioration of the product and may damage the

unit voiding the warranty.

2. PLACe PAN DiViDeRs AND emPty

PANs iN tHe WeLLs


No matter what type of pan configuration

chosen, pan separator bars or divider bars must

be used to close all gaps between pans, and all

gaps between the pans and the edges of the wells.

If these gaps are not closed, heat will escape,

heat distribution will be uneven, and uniform

temperature will be difficult to maintain.

This is a VERY important requirement to follow

whenever this appliance is in use.

3. tuRN POWeR sWitCH “ON”

Turn toggle switch to “ON” position. Lights will

illuminate and hot well will begin to warm.

4. PReHeAt At tHe NumBeR “10” settiNG

FOR A miNimum OF 30 miNutes
An indicator light will illuminate

when the thermostat(s) is (are)

turned “ON.” The unit should be

preheated at the 10 setting for a

minimum of 30 minutes before

loading the unit with hot food.


After preheating, place hot foods into the

preheated pans located in the appliance or

exchange the pans with pre-filled product pans.

This appliance is designed for the purpose of hot

food holding. Only hot foods should be placed

into the unit. Potentially hazardous foods should

be held in the unit at setting 10. If lower settings

are used, ensure the food has maintained safe

food temperatures. Lower settings should be

tested by user to ensure food has maintained

safe food temperatures between 140° and 160°F

(60° and 71°C).

All pan divider bars required must be utilized

at all times with the pan configuration chosen.

Before loading food into the unit, use a pocket-

type thermometer to make certain all products

have reached an internal temperature of

140° to 180°F (60° to 82°C).

If any food product

is not at proper serving temperature, use a Halo

Heat cooking and holding oven, set at 250° to 275°F

(121° to 135°C), or a Combitherm oven to bring the

product within the correct temperature range.

6. Reset tHeRmOstAt(s) As NeeDeD

After all products are loaded into the unit, it

is necessary to reset the thermostat(s). Since

proper temperature range depends on the type

of products and the quantities being held,

it is necessary to periodically use a pocket

thermometer to check each item to make certain

the correct temperatures are being maintained.

Proper temperature range is between a minimum

of 140° and 180° F (60° and 82° C).


temPeRAtuRe, OVeRHeAD HeAtiNG
is RequiReD.

8. seRVe FResH, HOt FOOD

Keep hot foods looking fresh. Occasionally stir or

rotate food as needed. Wipe spills immediately to

ensure maximum eye appeal and to ease end of

day cleanup.

C A u t i O N

metal paRtS OF tHiS eQUipment
beCOme eXtRemelY HOt WHen
in OpeRatiOn. tO avOid bURnS,
alWaYS USe Hand pROteCtiOn
WHen OpeRating tHiS applianCe.

O P e R A t i O N

O P e R A t i N G i N s t R u C t i O N s