Alto-Shaam ECOSMART HFT2SYS-400 User Manual
Page 12
useR sAFety iNFORmAtiON:
This appliance is intended for use in commercial
establishments by qualified personnel who are
familiar with the purpose, limitations, and associated
hazards of this appliance. Operating instructions
and warnings must be read and understood by all
operators and users.
BeFORe iNitiAL use:
Before operating the unit, clean both the interior and
exterior of the unit with a damp cloth and mild soap
solution. Rinse well.
Merchandiser heat plate must be heated to remove
surface oils and the accompanying odor produced
during the first use of the appliance.
Turn ON/OFF toggle switch to ON position. Turn
thermostat to the 10 setting. Allow the unit to heat
for 30 minutes or until no odor is detected.
O P e R A t i O N
s t A R t u P
u s e R s A F e t y i N F O R m A t i O N
C A u t i O N
metal paRtS OF tHiS eQUipment
beCOme eXtRemelY HOt WHen
in OpeRatiOn. tO avOid bURnS,
alWaYS USe Hand pROteCtiOn
WHen OpeRating tHiS applianCe.
D A N G e R
DisCONNeCt uNit FROm